🍃Beauty in me🍃

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I look in the mirror and what do I see?

Hair that falls to freely it shines
Red blotches all over, but they've always been there
A little acne but I don't care

A little more skin than most
And I'm not trying to boast,,
Just stating facts

Stretch mark along stretch mark
Oh how hideous they seem
But to me they have meaning

Long torso, stubby legs
But they always did me good
When gracing the stage

Legs so hairy their scary, I know
But why should I care unless they are to show

To some I am ugly, even hideous it could seem
But to me I am better than I've ever been

They say they wished they had my confidence
And I'm glad they think it's a compliment
And I will take it as so

But that statement can be a little problematic
Because while they will say that,
They will not work on themselves

They will wallow in self pity
And wish to be pretty
And fail

Because beauty is not what you think it is,
Beauty is what someone sees, this is true

People think that beauty is something they've been perviously shown
Beauty to them is what they've been told is beautiful

While beauty to me is in...
Some things are prettier to me than others
That all depends on tastes and preferences

I certainly don't think I'm prettier than others but I'm pretty for me

This is something I wrote on a whim, in front of a mirror. I'm not completely sure if the message came across correctly. I do not want to seem as if I'm incredibly over confident/ conceded, I'm not, and if I am I try not to be,, well anyway, take care good friends


A look into my universe (a collection of poems/ essays I wrote) 💫Where stories live. Discover now