Who you are

17 1 0

I used to watch her as she drew
But now all I do is look at you

Sometimes I wonder if you like me as much as I like you
Because if you did then you wouldn't treat me the way that you do

You were always the butt of every joke
And I'm not trying to poke at your heart

I just need you to know I have feelings for you

I know it'll never happen,
I just like to think about it,

I don't think we're that compatible and we don't have much in common

But we share a patience for people who can be quite, how do I say this nicely,, annoying

I know you don't really want to be friends with some of them but you're still there for them
And I think I like that most about you

How you are always there for your friends
I think your so very kind in that way,
You get people to stay

And I want to know about you, I want to know everything.

Like, what's your favorite color? Why do you always keep your hair so short? How did your parents divorce affect you? Do think I'm pretty? What do you want to do in the future? Do you stay on your phone to avoid awkward situations? When was the last time you cried and why? Why do you hate having your photo taken?

I cannot help this fascination with the mysterious you.

You come off so simple but I feel like there's more, I want to know the more, I want to know you.

Why must I do?

Besides my friend telling me he's not good enough for me, I still wanna know him idk

Have a good day!!


A look into my universe (a collection of poems/ essays I wrote) 💫Where stories live. Discover now