sad for today

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I'm just a little sad today.
There seems to be nothing to make the sadness go away,
so I will be sad for today.

But I'm okay,
I'm not allowed to be anything but okay.
So I will be okay for today.

I'll walk by my mom to get a snack,
She'll ask me to do something and I'll complain but do it anyway.

Then I'll go to my room and stare at my wall.
My wall with all the pictures of my friends.
I sometimes forget they exist, and I feel so alone.
I put them on my wall so I know they're always there.

My friends make me happy.
I haven't seen them in so long.
But I'll see them soon.

So I'll be happy tomorrow.
But I will be sad for today.

Haha yep.

Anyways drink water, eat something, and stream freshman year by issac dundar


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