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I love my friends, I do
And I try my best to surround myself with good people

But I'm upset by the events that unfolded this morning

I've never been more uncomfortable than when me and two other girls were sitting at a table with our guys friends

And a feminist post pops up
And they continue to belittle it and say all the things that dehumanize girls and make them objects

And what did I do, I sat there silently, wordlessly
Feeling suffocated by my own silence, just waiting for the bell to ring so I could run away from this

I'm not mad at them, but incredibly disappointed

I've lost the respect I once had and it leaves me agape and distraught

It reminds me of the guys that used to make fun of me when I said anything that alluded to equal rights, I was never silent then

But I've trained myself to keep quiet and I think that upsets me more than anything,,

Do I seek male approval so much that I refuse to speak up when my beliefs and being attacked.

The post above is the original post they were making fun of but then they went to the account and started making fun of everything but idk and I just felt so incredibly uncomfortable.

A look into my universe (a collection of poems/ essays I wrote) 💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora