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Chapter Seven
~The Claw? Cool~

The Winter Soldier had you in his arms, close to his chest and a strong grip of your body.

Before, he took you to the creek and purified water to drink later on. There, he had also cleaned your wound and taken the metal piece out. He used the tip of his burnt knife to seal your wound. After that, he patched your leg up using fabric from the crash-sight.
The whole time, you were asleep (thank God. Lucky you!).

As he carried you through the woods, still aware that there may be more men from HYDRA sent to finish the job, he came to a sudden halt!

"Winter Soldier. Winter Soldier, are you still there?"

They were trying to keep in touch with him. After four hours of nothing, they decided he's taken too long.
Usually the Winter Soldier's missions are quick. Because he doesn't hesitate.

"Winter Solder have you found her yet? We need more information".

He wouldn't budge. The Winter Soldier stayed silent and still, waiting for them to give up.

But they wouldn't. They kept repeating his name, it almost drove him crazy.
So he placed your sleeping self on the ground, gently. He stood from his crouching down beside you, with this, he pulled the earpiece off and threw it.
He knew it had a tracker on it also, so he wanted them to think that it may have fallen off while he was on the chase for you.


You finally awoken, and when you had, you saw that your leg was all fixed up.
It felt completely better! And the metal piece was gone!

You explored the surroundings with your eyes.

I'm in a cave.

You smiled to the safety and refuge you had in this type of situation.

There was a crackling fire beside you, keeping your body warm.
It was dark inside and you realised it was dark outside as well.

And then, he came.

The Winter Soldier saw you had awoken. He didn't smile, or move any feature on his face, he had no expression to your awakening.

It confused you.

"Aren't you supposed to be The Winter Soldier?"

"Pfft. Aren't you supposed to be The Claw?"

"The-the what".

The Claw? Cool.

"It's what they call you".


He clenched his jaw to your question. You saw the knots popping out at his jaw as he did so.

He was unsure on whether to tell you about everything or not

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He was unsure on whether to tell you about everything or not. He had his reasons too.
You could be putting on an act. He's just acting upon what his heart feels to do. So he doesn't know for sure who you really are. He doesn't even know your name.

You knew he wasn't going to answer, so you left it.
It wasn't really important anyway. Not right now.

Finally, you noticed that the device in which bounded your hands, it had broken during the crash. A thick metal bracelet now wrapped your wrist.


He took you from your thoughts.


"Ah huh. That's who they are".

"And you put yourself apart from them?"

"I don't know where I put myself right now, alright? So would you just quit with all the damn questions and eat".

He seemed very annoyed, raising his voice while speaking to you, rolling his eyes and sighing.

But he was gentle. He got up, with the gun in his hand, which frightened you a little. You expected him to violently or angrily hand you the food, but he slowed his pace and made sure he was cautious around you, he didn't wan to make you scared anymore.
He then gathered some food and handed it to you.

You stared at it for a bit.

"You need to eat, you've been out for a couple of days".

"How many?"

"If I say a week would that make you definitely eat?"

You smiled a little, you weren't sure if he was trying to be funny or sarcastic or rude. For he didn't smile, but he showed concern and kindness.

So, you took the food, it was mushed up meat on a stick.

"You've been out for two days now".

"Two days? Wow".

You said over the food. He sat back down, still with the gun in his hand.
Then you actually realised his metal arm.

I wonder how he got that?

"Here, some water".

He helped you drink some water, you trusted him and he saw that. It made him feel comforted, even though he wasn't sure on whether to trust you fully or not.

"You should rest. I was actually hoping you'd wake up early so we could head start heading out".

He stood from his crouch and headed back to the other side.

"HYDRA's got more men out there; they're covering land in all directions. Soon scouts are gonna come and they're gonna wonder where I am".

"Can you tell me more about HYDRA".

Even thought you wanted to sleep, you still needed more information.

"Look, I'm not sure on how to explain things to you. I know it doesn't make sense, but I'm still learning as well".

"You new or something?"

"No-no. They said you're ruthless and dangerous but when I saw you.....I didn't see that. I wasn't apart of watching you like that man told you on the Jet. Usually HYDRA assigns me to my mission and I find them in about 2 hours".

He paused, rubbed his eyes with his fingers and sighed, inhaling deeply through his nose.

"You're my mission right now, and I'm supposed to be treating you like that. But I can't, and I don't know why".

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