s i x ~ answers that can't be correct

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Everyone sat down around a small table just big enough to fit them all. "I understand this must be strange for you, are there any important questions you want to be answered?" Carlisle asked seriously.

"Alice...said that Bella wasn't allowed to know yet? What exactly did you mean by that?" Eleanor asked, turning her head to look at the pixie.

"She's meant to find out but at a different time to you... I had to tell you so that you wouldn't say anything." Alice rambled on. Eleanor nodded her head.

"I wouldn't want to say anything anyway. It's not my place and I actually doubt you'd want it to be spread around." She stated. "Why does Bella have to know?" No one answered for a while.

"She's my mate," Edward answered finally.

"Your what now?" Eleanor raised her eyebrow. "I didn't even know you guys were friends...on speaking terms?" Edward let out a small laugh.

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean by mate?" Eleanor asked, glancing at everyone else.

"Basically our soulmates, they can be like us...or there are some rare cases where they're still human," Carlisle answered. Eleanor slowly nodded her head.

"Like Bella..."

"Like Bella," Carlisle repeated.

"Do you drink human blood?" She asked.

"Nope," Alice replied cheerily. "Animal blood. That's why our eyes are this colour, vampires who drink human blood have red eyes." Eleanor nodded her head.

"So...are you...will you, you know? Burn in the sunlight?" She asked quickly changing the subject.

"Here we go." Edward sighed under his breath. Carlisle chuckled.

"No, nothing like that."

"Stakes? Silver? What happens if you cross Buffy?" Avery shot out. Edward groaned and whacked his head against the table.

"Well, that's definitely a first...Buffy, that is." Esme commented. Eleanor turned her head in the direction of the woman.

"Surely someone...Surely Emmett would've made that reference by now." She asked, kind of surprised.

"Nope, he's still working on Nosferatu jokes, actually." She replied. Emmett stuck his head through the crack in the door.

"Thanks for the new material pipsqueak!" He joked. Eleanor pinched the bridge of her nose. I'm the average height for my age. She thought.

"Actually you're a little taller than the average height for your age group," Edward replied, folding his arms. Eleanor's eyes widened.

"Edward, we agreed we'd ease her into this," Esme complained but her voice even and calm. Her eyes were narrowed at the tall vampire and he just stared back at her, a slight frown etching on his lips.

"I can't help it, she's a funny kid," Edward confessed shrugging innocently, returning his gaze back to Eleanor.

"Hold up one massive second." Eleanor held up her index finger and stared at Edward. You have really lame hair. Edward furrowed his eyebrows. You look constipated 24/7. You get on my nerves more than the average Joe. I like your handwriting. your music's shit-

"Okay, you can stop right there!" Edward slammed his hands on the table.

"You bastard! You can read my thoughts!" She slammed her hands down on the table as well.

"Did you tell me you liked my handwriting in amongst all those half-assed insults?"

"That's what you're concerned about right now?" Eleanor asked disbelieved. 

WHERE THE WILD ONES ARE [E.CULLEN]. ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now