n i n e ~ baseball with a hint of danger

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Well, Bella and Edward had shown up to school together the next day, Bella wasn't even that annoyed that Eleanor knew before her. She understood why and gladly accepted the unnecessary apologies that Eleanor threw at her.

Bella was washing her truck and Eleanor sat in the back taking photos and making light conversation when Edward jumped next to her, scaring her and making her scream.

"What the actual fuck?" She cussed, smacking him on the chest. Edward and Bella both laughed, making Eleanor pout.

"Cheer up Raggedy Ann." Edward mocked. Eleanor sat with her mouth wide open.

"You did not!" She gasped, clutching her chest. "And here I was thinking that Professor X was the most gentlemanly out of your coven!" Edward laughed.

"Did I miss something?" Bella asked a little out of the loop. Edward smirked and jumped down to stand next to her.

"Eleanor keeps on comparing me to Charles Xavier from X men so I came up with my own little fun name for her."

"He just called me a rag doll!" Eleanor complained, tucking strands of red hair behind her ear. She held up a piece to the light and huffed. "Okay, I guess this is not helping my case." She added fussing over her hair. 

"Anyway," Edward smirked, resting his arm against the top of Bellas truck. "I came here to ask you guys if you wanted to play baseball with us on Saturday. It's gonna be a stormy and thundery day which is one of the only days where we can play." Edward explained.

"I'm in!" Bella replied quickly and excitedly, she turned her head realising she forgot about Eleanor who was in 'deep thought'.

"Only if I can make Forest Gump references." She asked.

"Done." Edward nodded. Eleanor frowned.

"What about-"

"Don't worry about Rosalie, she equally dislikes Bella as she does you so it's fine."

"Yeah, she made it real clear how she felt yesterday." Bella murmured. Eleanor raised one of her eyebrows.

"Rose broke a bowel and complained about how both you and Bella were causing us too much trouble," Edward explained. Eleanor nodded along silently. "You'll be fine, trust me. You'll have Jasper to annoy." Eleanor shook her head.

"She kinda threatened me to stay away from you so I've been ignoring him for the past three days...and Emmett too...also Alice," Eleanor admitted. Edward rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I know. Rosalie admitted to it when Esme came home annoyed at her." Edward smirked. "They'll easily forgive you."

"Good. Then I'll also come to spectate your baseball game. It won't be funny unless you break a bone, got it, old man?" Eleanor smirked cheekily. Bella laughed, covering her mouth and they watched as Edward rolled his eyes. He left shortly after that, leaving Bella and Eleanor to continue talking and joking around until she had to leave.

Jasper showed up on Saturday afternoon dressed in his baseball attire with a jacket thrown over the top to cover his scars. Theo crossed his arms interrogating Jasper who was calm throughout the entire process.

"And you promise to have her back before dark?" Theo asked. Jasper smiled politely.

"Seven on the dot should do nicely if that's alright with you?" He asked back. Theo smirked.

"Carlisle was right, you are a good kid," Theo remarked. Bruh, he's older than you.

"Okay cool, see you later." She waved goodbye to Lilah and Theo, scrambling out the door and pulling Jasper with her. They laughed together climbing into Emmett's large jeep and driving towards the field they'd be playing at. The week that has passed was calm, Eleanor patched things up with Emmett, Alice and Jasper, yet had not spoken to Rosalie. She could occasionally see the blonde staring at her intensely which always made her feel uncomfortable but Even Jasper (who was just as scary as Rosalie) told her to shrug it off. So she did.
Eleanor would be polite around Rosalie, mumbling a greeting as they passed in the school halls that only she could hear, smiling kindly at her and being all-round genuinely swell to her. But Rosalie still kept up the antics. Maybe today was the day she'd accidentally hit Eleanor with the baseball or the bat itself.

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