e i g h t ~ dammit Bella

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Eleanor woke up the next day in her bed, her alarm clock blaring in her ears. Esme had been courteous enough to make sure her phone was charging for her. Eleanor smiled to herself, the butterflies becoming stronger.
She got up and made sure she was ready before walking downstairs to see Lilah sitting by herself. The little girl lifted her head and smiled.

"I dressed! When I came down, no one was here but the phone rang. I thought Theo was going to answer it so I left it, was that a bad thing?" Lilah asked, puppy dog eyes showing. Eleanor laughed, kissed her sister good morning and looked at the last person who called. Carlisle.

"No that's not a bad thing. Do you wanna go and watch cartoons while I call this person back?" Lilah nodded and skipped off to watch cartoons several feet away. Eleanor dialled the number again and the man on the other end picked up instantly. "Carlisle?" She called.

"Hey Eleanor, I called to tell you that I gave your brother the rest of the week off, he seemed to take Waylon's death kinda hard."

"Yeah, he was an old family friend we were gonna reconnect with." Avery sighed, watching Lilah who sang along to some morning kids show.

"Would you want Esme to look after Lilah for today? I want Theo to take it easy for the next few days and Esme liked looking after your sister, given the circumstances." Avery smiled.

"That would help, thank you."

"Don't thank me. Anyway, Esme will be around soon. Have a lovely day, Avery."

"Thanks, Carlisle, you too." Avery hung up the phone and quickly made some breakfast for herself and her younger sister, she walked over to Lilah and handed a plate of toast to her. "How would you like it if Esme came to look after you again today?" Avery asked, hoping Lilah would say yes. To her happiness, Lilah smiled widely and started to squeal.

"I'd love it!" She squealed.

"I'm gonna finish getting ready, you just eat your breakfast okay?" Lilah nodded and started to comp away at her food. Avery sighed and plated some food and a cup of coffee for her brother. She took the breakfast up to his room and knocked on the door. Theo answered, looking like he got no sleep. "Morning Theo. I made you breakfast." Avery smiled softly. Theo smiled tiredly.

"Thanks, Ave."

"You got Carlisle's call right?"


"Good, also Esme's coming around to look after Lilah. You need to get some beauty sleep, okay?" Theo nodded, took the stuff from Avery, thanked her once more then promptly closed the door. There was a knock at the front door and Avery looked at her watch. Time to go. She grabbed her coat, keys and her bag and rushed to grab the door. Esme stood there, a smile plastered on her face.

"Good morning Avery." She smiled politely. Avery moved out of the way so Esme could enter and Lilah waved excitedly.

"Hey, sorry I gotta run. Theo's upstairs, I've told him of your presence for the day and he's pretty okay with it." Avery stated, throwing random pieces of food into her bag. She threw on her coat and made sure her phone was in her pocket before kissing her sister on her forehead, but the child was too engrossed in the television.

"Anything I need to know before I get started?" Esme asked, placing her coat on one of the kitchen chairs.

"Oh, don't let her watch too much t.v, she gets cranky around noon-ish and she's allergic to strawberries and peanut butter in case you make her food or something." Avery stated. Esme nodded, making a mental note of the answers.

"Go and have a good day at school." Esme smiled.

"By Avey!" Lilah shouted.

"Thank you so much, again Esme. Bye Lilah!" Avery closed the door behind her and hopped in her car, moving off to start yet another day of school.

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