e l e v e n ~ a little slice of human

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It had been hours since Esme bought me to their house. Hours since my encounter with Victoria. I still couldn't believe that my skin had healed itself... how did it do that? how long had it been doing that for? Esme was just as gobsmacked as I was, she continued to ask the same few questions over again until everyone got back. It was getting quite funny actually.

I was bought out of my thoughts when someone placed their hand on my shoulder. Esme looked down at me, I sat against the window waiting for everyone to come back wrapped up in several blankets to keep me warm.

"Carlisle and Emmett are back, sweetie. We're just waiting for Rose, Alice and Jasper." I nodded my head, she held her hand out for me to take and I did. I discarded the blankets and we met Carlisle and Emmett in the living room.

"Eleanor, how are you feeling?" Carlisle asked me kindly. I turned to Esme, she nodded, and I rolled up my sleeves. Carlisle's eyes widened.

"Maybe an explanation would help?" I asked sheepishly, Carlisle shook his head.

"I..." I chuckled, walking into the kitchen.

"We have no way to describe it either, don't worry," I replied, moving towards the drawer. I opened it up and found a shiny but small knife; picking it up I held it in my hand. "I wanna test a theory," I added. Esme and Carlisle both widened their eyes. Emmett, on the other hand, smirked.

"Do it." He urged, Esme glared at him. I glanced at Carlisle.

"Now, Doctor Cullen, where is the least painful part to cut myself?" Carlisle sighed.

"Are you sure? Because if this doesn't work then it's gonna be my fault you're in pain for something that could have been avoided." Carlisle stated. I nodded my head.

"Hell yeah, why do you think I'm asking you?" I replied. Carlisle walked forward and took the knife from my hands.

"It's best if I do this." He stated. turning his head he stared at Emmett. "it's best if you hold your breath." Emmett nodded, his body going tense. He gave me a weak smile and I glanced at Esme. She smiled softly at me.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked me. I nodded my head slightly.

"Yeah...I haven't been able to scratch it out of my mind. How did my cuts heal? If they could heal then and if they heal now...well then I have a serious problem on my shoulders." I replied shrugging. Emmett snickered.

"Would've been funnier if you said 'on my hands'." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Give me your arm," Carlisle instructed, I held out my left arm and he held it gently in his hands, the sharp blade glistening against the skin of my forearm. "Your forearm has more muscle and few nerve endings, which is why most people go for tattoos there," Carlisle explained. 

"Less pain," I mumbled.

"I want you to take a deep breath in, this may sting." I took a deep breath in as Carlisle pressed the blade harder against my skin. it soon cut through, letting out the thick dark blood hiding below. I hissed and Carlisle took the blade away. We waited a few seconds before the blood stopped, dripping onto the counter but that was it. Esme moved closer, eyes wide with curiosity. As did Emmett. I held my arm in front of me watching as my skin slowly healed itself until all that was left was the blood drying on my arm.

"What the..." Carlisle muttered. I wiped away the blood and all that was a thin white scar.

"Oh great, it scars," I remarked sarcastically.

"I'm gonna go and stand outside for a bit," Emmett stated, turning his back. Before he walked outside, he turned and gave me a reassuring smile. His eyes were completely black and I felt bad for just wanting to test something to do with blood before even consoling with everyone who was in the room.

WHERE THE WILD ONES ARE [E.CULLEN]. ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now