t w e l v e ~ not-so-classic girl talk - NEW MOON

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The summer break had come and Eleanor couldn't have been any happier. Bella was still in her moon boot two weeks after what had happened with James.
While the Cullens were out hunting, it was up to Eleanor to make sure Bella didn't get into any tricky situations.

"Hey, Charlie." Eleanor greeted, waltzing into the cosy home. Her friends' father looked up from his spot at the table, newspaper in hand and a beer by his side.

"Good morning Eleanor, how are you?" Charlie smiled warmly, giving a quick wave. Avery shrugged taking her ankle boots off and leaving them by the front door.

"I'm fine thanks. Working on your day off?" Charlie sighed. 

"Folks are gettin' real spooked still with what happened to Waylon and so we're taking extra precautions just to be safe." Eleanor nodded her head remembering what had happened to Waylon. "Bella's upstairs... you know I've never done this grounding thing and I'm sure I'm not meant to let you see her and all but it's Edward I wanna keep her away from," Charlie explained. Eleanor chuckled.

"I'll make sure she stays away from him." She shrugged her shoulders before jumping up the stairs to see her best friend. She opened the door to find Bella watching some random old movie and jumped on her bed, startling the poor teenager.

"Jeez, Eleanor!" Bella exclaimed, making room for her friend on the bed. Eleanor looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes.

"How many times have you watched 'I walked with a Zombie'?" Eleanor asked, moving closer to her friend. She rested on her elbows, Bella rolled her eyes and continued to watch the old film.

"I like it, it's great. It's old and I like old movies." Bella replied simply, shrugging her shoulders and turning up the volume on her laptop. Eleanor smirked.

"That explains Edward," Eleanor smirked, Bella's eyes widened and her cheeks flared up a bright red.

"Hey! Tha-that wasn't cool Eleanor." Bella muttered. Eleanor stared at her in amusement, chuckling at the brunette. Eleanor stood up and wandered around Bella's room - something she did quite often when she was over at the Swan residence. She loved seeing Bella's semi-messy room; clothes were thrown helplessly into or around the hamper, books messily arranged on her bookcase and just random items everywhere. "Can I ask you something?" Bella asked cautiously, sitting up on her bed carefully aware of the moon-boot strapped to her leg.

"Anything." Eleanor smiled politely, taking a seat at Bella's desk on her spinny chair.

"I don't want you to get offended because I love you like my own sister-"

"Bella, whatever it is, I'm sure you express it in the nicest way possible," Eleanor reassured. She watched Bella fumble over her words, tucking strands of hair behind her air. 

"How come you spend so much time at the Cullens' house? Whenever I'm there you're always there too, which is great because it makes me feel more comfortable, but... is anyone there...you know?" Bella trailed off. Eleanor smiled, refusing to feel awkward with this conversation. She and Esme talked about waiting to tell Bella, at least until after she had fully recovered from what had happened with James.

"No, actually Alice and Jasper just like my company funny enough. I play video games with Emmett as well and Rosalie avoids me like the black plague." Eleanor lied smoothly. I will tell Bella when the time is right. Bella nodded. "But there is something I have to tell you... the night of the attack," Eleanor gestured to Bella's arm where the scar from James biting her was covered up lay underneath her long-sleeved dark blue shirt. "Well I didn't tell you because I didn't want to freak you out but Victoria attacked me, she wanted to get to you but I wouldn't tell her that you went back to Arizona." Eleanor breathed out. She glanced up and watched as Bella's face held the guilt built up from the past two weeks.

"I'm really sorry about that Eleanor." Bella apologised. "I didn't want you to get dragged into this." She added. Eleanor shook her head.

"I was gonna get dragged in anyway, I have something to show you." She replied. Bella studied her oddly. Eleanor spun around and rummaged around in her desk and found a pair of scissors. She really didn't want to do it but she had to, to show Bella. She and Carlisle had had several brief conversations telling her to continue to find out what she was able to do. So far she was only able to heal herself but maybe with his help and his extensive knowledge on witches and their abilities he could help her strengthen her powers.

"Eleanor?" Bella asked cautiously.

"Just watch, I know what I'm doing," Eleanor replied. She took in a deep breath and cut across her hand, watching the blood pool in the centre and she was careful to make sure none of it spilt.

"Eleanor!" Bella shouted. She got off her bed and rushed over to Eleanor as quickly as she could, grabbing Eleanor's hand and watching wide-eyed as her skin stitched itself together leaving behind a thin line of red blood. "What the....what the fuck was that!" Bella hissed. Eleanor closed her eyes and sighed.

"Carlisle seems to think... it's stupid but he seems to think that I'm a witch." Eleanor shrugged looking down at her hand watching the blood dry. She'd go and wash her hands when she was confident Bella wouldn't faint and when Charlie had left the house.

"You... you can heal yourself?" Bella asked dumbfounded.

"Yeah, still trying to comprehend it myself, actually," Eleanor replied.

"Can you heal other people?" Bella asked, now curious. Eleanor shook her head.

"Not to my knowledge, I did try when you were asleep in the hospital one time, to see if I could heal your leg but there was no luck." She replied. Bella rolled her eyes and sat back on her bed, watching Eleanor swivel around on her desk chair.

"I'm not even gonna bother telling you how creepy that is." She stated, closing her laptop and facing her best friend.

"I know," Eleanor replied, tilting her head down. She smiled nonetheless, flipping through a book that lay on Bella's desk. 

"Well, now that I know we can figure this out together if you want," Bella suggested shrugging her shoulders. Eleanor glanced up at the brunette, the smile still on her face.

"I'd really like that."

Merry Christmas to all! To those of you who don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a really nice day and i know I'm late in the celebratory greeting but I couldn't care less, I've been spending some time with my family and I hope everyone has a nice and safe holiday xx

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