Chapter 4 Superman big decision

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During the parade that was setting up. Superman was looking at a box that he was holding and was thinking very hard.

Wonder Woman: Superman. Superman? Clark? Clark!

Superman: sorry lost in thought.

Wonder Woman: what's in the box?

Superman: alright. I was hoping keep this a secret for a moment. But if you must know... it a wedding ring. I'm goanna ask Lois Lane to marry me.

Wonder Woman: Clark that great! I'm so happy for you.

Superman: thank you Dianna. But.

Wonder Woman: but what?

Superman: I just don't know how to go with it. I'm also worried that she will say no.

Wonder Woman: Clark, do you love her.

Superman: more than anything.

Wonder Woman: and does she love you.

Superman: I like to believe that to.

Wonder Woman: then everything will work its way out. You just need to believe in hope.

Superman: how exactly I do that?

Wonder Woman: are you telling me the man of steel that inspires hope has troubling believe in hope. You just need to be you that's all.

Superman: thank you Dianna.

Flash: hey what are you guys doing? The parade is about to started.

Superman: we're coming Barry.

Wonder Woman: don't worry it will be our secret.

Then Superman smiled. And so, everyone prepares for the parade and make sure that everyone is safe and happy. But little did they know is that trouble was about to come around. 

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