Chapter 17 they are coming

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Meanwhile at Darkseid Mobile Fortress, Darkseid mange to not only beat the most powerful members and got his son back for the Anti life Equation but also stole a bit of hair from Superman that hold enough key structure of Superman DNA.

Desaad: Master was deeply impressed when you took down some the earth's strongest warriors. Including the one they call the man of Steel.

Darkseid: if you are asking for some DNA. You only need to ask.

Then Darkseid headed the DNA sample he got from Superman to Desaad.

Desaad: Yes! With this sample fused with our Parademons, our forces will be unstoppable. Not even the people of New Genesis will be able to stop us!

Darkseid: how long will it take?

Desaad: I can't do it here. But once we've reach back home, I should be able to make all of our Parademons stronger than ever.

Darkseid: we will leave as soon as I've done with this planet.

Then Kanto enter the room to tell Darkseid something important.

Kanto: lord Darkseid, my lord. I manage to receive news that the same people you've beaten are planning for a counter attack right here.

Darkseid: without a doubt they are here for my son. I amuse that he told him about my plans. And Barda with them they will know my castle defences.

Kanto: what are your orders my lord?

Darkseid: strengthen the castle defences, have the furies ready. And sent Kalibak and Steppenwolf to attack their city.

Desaad: but my Lord if we don't return to Apokolips soon. Then we won't be able to-

Then Darkseid grab Desaad by the neck. Choking him and was nearly about to kill him.

Darkseid: never... tell me... what to do!

Then Darkseid let him go. As Desaad was gasping for air.

Darkseid: now leave me. there something I must attend to.

Then as Darkseid left his throne room he then walked towards a secret door. He then walks down stairs and enter a secret room where he and Granny Goodness were about to extract information out of Darkseid own son.

Darkseid: Hello Son.

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