Chapter 19 move out

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Meanwhile at the Hall of Justice, the Justice League plans for an counter attack on Darkseid fortress. With the Earth in stake the Justice League are the are the only ones along with the Teen Titans and the Outlaws who can stop Darkseid.

Superman: alright, we don't have a lot of time so let's get this meeting on the way. Barda!

Barda: this is Darkseid Fortress, that attacking the earth right now. There aren't any ways you can get in unless your part of Darkseid's forces.

Green Arrow: you were part of his forces, right?

Barda: use to be. I can't now. Not even the father box can get us in.

Aquaman: what if Cyborg Boomtube us inside.

Barda: not even Cyborg can get us in. Granny Goodes and Desaad made a special device were only followers of Darkseid can enter in with ease.

Batman: so, we make our own one.

Barda: yes. So, we need to be quick about it.

Then Batman had begun reviving a call from Nightwing.

Batman: what is it Nightwing?

Nightwing: hey Batman um, I hate to be the guy who needs help. But we can use some more help.

Batman: what happening?

Nightwing: Darkseid has send more of his forces and some of them... know how to hit back.

Batman: keep them busy we'll send more of us to support you. just hold tight.

Flash: you really think the kids can handle a threat like this?

Aquaman: I've seen how the Titans fight. they can handle this threat.

Wonder Woman: we'll need to split up on this one.

Superman: agree. Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Cyborg, Barda, Steel, Vixen and Metamorpho. We are going to stop Darkseid once and for all. As for the rest will be dealing with the of Darkseid forces on the ground.

Batman: let's get started then.

And so, it begins. Earth's last stand against Darkseid's forces. It was all or nothing. Then later the Justice League have begun battle with Darkseid's Fortress. Then Darkseid's Fortress then fired all of its lasers at the Justice League. Superman and Green Lantern made sure that the other Justice League were protected while Green Arrow and Barda fired at the Turrets with everything they got.

Then Parademons show up and tried to attack the Justice League. A bunch of Parademons tried to jump attack Wonder Woman, but Wonder Woman wrap them up with her Lasso and threw them towards more Parademons. Then Cyborg fried a lot of tiny homing rockets at the Parademons. Then Steel charge through a bunch of Parademons while swinging his hammer. Then Steel look at Darkseid Fortress and though on how much force is need to break it.

Steel: ok I manage to got an idea on how to make a hole in the Darkseid's Deathstar.

Flash: so how much is it going to take?

Steel: a lot more than we got.

Superman: then I'll try harder.

Then out of nowhere Superman charge at even faster speed then he normally does and not only broke through Darkseid Fortress but also nearly till Darkseid Fortress and broke some windows at nearby buildings. And then everyone quickly charges through into Darkseid's Fortress. then Batman yelled.

Batman: Metamorpho! Throw Mud on to the hole! quickly!

Metamorpho: you got it Bats!

Then Metamorpho threw a big piece of himself into the hole and blocked the way in. then Superman use his heat ray to strengthen the mud so that the Parademons could not get in that way.

John Stewart: so, any idea which way to go?

Barda: my Father Box isn't responding.

Cyborg: lucky I know the way. Follow me.

And so, the Justice League begun to find Darkseid and Mister Miracle. But will they have time to save the earth? Or is the earth doom? 

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