Chapter 25 be someone else's problem

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Then as Darkseid was about to finish off Superman. A Boomtube was open and was about to suck Darkseid in.

Darkseid: what is this?!

Then Batman tried to contact Superman.

Batman: Superman do you read me!? listen you need to destroy Darkseid's Father box. It is the only thing that can bring him back from where I'm sending him!

Superman: ah, ah, got it.

Then used all of his strength to fire laser out of his eyes and destroy Darkseid Father Box. Then as Darkseid tried to escape the Boomtube, the Boomtube got big and tried to suck him in even harder. And as Superman tried to break free from Darkseid grip.

Darkseid: If I'm going to lose, you're coming with me!

Then Wonder Woman threw her lasso at Superman and the Flash run and punch Darkseid in the face and broke his grip with Superman. Then Green Arrow fired a boxing glove arrow and it hit Darkseid right at the balls. Darkseid was in pain and Green Arrow said.

Green Arrow: HA! And they said that won't be funny.

Then Darkseid was pulled into the Boomtube and then it closed.

John Stewart: did we just won?

Aquaman: I think so.

Then other Boomtube was open and this time Batman and Cyborg came out of it.

Flash: let me guess, you two just help us saved the earth.

Batman: yes.

Wonder Woman: how?

Batman: I first got the idea from Flash when he said "if only there was some way, we can deal with him". that's when I realise the Father Box was the key of my plan.

Green Arrow: so, you access it software?

Batman: no, the only one could do that was Cyborg.

Cyborg: when Batman told me what to do. I grab Granny Goodness Father Box and quickly found Batman and then we Boomtube to his Headquarters.

Flash: you got a HQ?

Cyborg: he's calls it the Batcave.

Flash: can I see it?

Batman: No!

Cyborg: anyway, me and Batman hit it with every virus we got and took control of it.

Wonder Woman: then where did you send Darkseid?

Batman: a place where he will never hurt anyone ever again.

Green Arrow: dam! Well I guess that means, we won.

Superman: it looks that way to me.

Then Granny Goodness came up with Parademons and realises that Darkseid was beaten. Then Batman said to them.

Batman Leave! NOW!!!

Then Granny Goodness and her Parademons ran from Batman.

Flash: Wow! Batman scared an alien invasion off.

John Stewart: and looks like things are going back to normal. For now. 

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