Chapter 12 protect everyone on earth

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Meanwhile at Metropolis, Darkseid forces were all over the city. They were showing great fear throughout the planet. They were killing and capturing many humans as they could find. Wonder Woman was leading the charge. Doing battle and saving many lives as possible. Wonder Woman then grab her lasso and wrap a Parademon up and swing the creature to other Parademons.

Wonder Woman: this is Wonder Woman here. Flash how are saving all of the people?

Flash: well you know. saving many as I can.

Then the Flash saved up to 30 people from 12 different attacks. Then Fire show up and burn the Parademons up. elsewhere a flying tank blasted a building and was about to fall down with both people inside the falling building and people who are about to be crush by it. Then Green lantern made a giant hand and put the building back safely with all of his might. Then as a tank was about to fire at Green Lantern, Captain Atom stop the tank and said.

Captain Atom: not on my watch!

Then Captain Atom blasted the tank apart giving Green Lantern enough time to save the people. Elsewhere Ice was making a protected pathway to a safe place using her ice powers for the people.

Ice: quickly in here! And bring coats, my powers are very cold.

As the Parademons tried to get through the ice. Kanata was there moving on the ice without slipping at running speed. She then jumps and slice the Parademons with her sword. Then Atom Smasher walking as a giant was moving dealing with ease with the Parademons. And he then grabs a tank and rip it in half. As other tanks lock on Atom Smasher and then fire at him. Red Tornado created powerful wind that the blast was send right back at the tanks. Meanwhile Aquaman was running form the tank. As the tank fired at Aquaman he dodges it and was leading the ocean. Then as Parademons surround him and the tank was about to fire. A giant Octopus showed up called by Aquaman rip the tank apart and attack the Parademons.

Meanwhile up in the sky, Hawkman was flying up and dealing with a lot of Parademons. Too many to count. He was then grab by lot of Parademons and was about to slammed Hawkman down. But Hawkman was too strong and freed himself and took Parademons down one by one. Then as a Parademon was about to give Hawkman a surprise attack. he was saved by Doctor light with her light energy beams. Meanwhile on the ground Vixen was running on the building like a cheetah. Giving the Parademons a hard time catching her. And Metamorpho was swinging himself like a wrecking ball and taking out Parademons.

Metamorpho: yeah! That it! Hahaha! We are goanna win!

Then as Fire was being overwhelm, Zatanna came back and cast a spell.

Zatanna: toohs gnithgil no eht sretnom.

Then lighting strike on the Parademons as they fell down.

Flash: nice timing Zatanna. Did you Cyborg and Superman bring backup.

Then Kid Flash show up and said.

Kid Flash: you bet they did.

Flash: sweet! Couldn't ask for better back up.

Then the rest of the Teen Titans and Cyborg and Superman shown up.

Nightwing: wow, this a hell of invasion.

Robin: we got to find their master and take him down.

Then as a Parademon was about to grab Robin. A gun was fired and took the Parademon down.

Red Hood: the kid right. How else we goanna stop this invasion.

Superman: I don't know who you are but-

Batman: Superman stand down! I ask them for their help. Were goanna need all the help we can get.

Superman: this is the help you suggestion!

Batman: got a better idea.

Superman: no.

John Stewart: so, what do we do now?

Batman: have anyone gone to the location that mention before I left?

Wonder Woman: Green Arrow, Black Carney, Steel and Shazam. We haven't got in contact with them from them for a little while.

Batman: some of us should go and back them up.

Flash: I can get there in no time.

Superman: same here.

John Stewart: I'll come to.

Captain Atom: same here.

Superman: alright those who are with me let move.

And so, Superman, Flash, Captain Atom and Green Lantern went to back up those who are at Mister Miracle place. but how will they counter this mighty foe?

Justice League the wraith of ApokolipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora