Chapter 8 meet Darkseid part 1

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As people of earth were so terrified of what they are seeing. The Justice League looked as there so much chaos even though the invasion only begun in five mins.

Green Arrow: holy smokes! Nearly the entire planet is cover by this army.

Then Batman, John Stewart, Red Tornado and Cyborg showed up in the hall of Justice.

Hawkman: what did you find out?

Batman: I believe what made the escaped super villains escape is connected with this invasion.

John Stewart: Bane didn't say that.

Batman: I figure with the timing this could happen.

Aquaman: but why would the ones responsible would do that?

Batman: probably to see what we can do and used what he knows against us.

Then all of a sudden, Darkseid face showed up on every broadcasting thing on the planet.

Darkseid: people of Earth. I'm know many things throughout the universe. Monster, Dread, but I am known as Darkseid. though your world is isolate and has little to offer. I have come to cleansed it. But the real reason why I'm here is simple. There is a traditor of my empire on your world. He may look like you. but he is not one of you. the person that find's him, I'll consider sparing that one person. You have 24 of your hours to do so. But the invasion shall continue until there is nothing left. make no mistake no one will stand in my way and that is a promise.

Flash: wow... this guy is serious.

Wonder Woman: I never seen a warrior that so evil like this before.

Superman: nothing we face before.

Captain Atom: does anyone have a plan?

Batman: I believe I'm getting one. But I need more information about him. John, Katar have you ever heard of Darkseid before in anywhere you've both been?

Hawkman: no.

John Stewart: same here. I cover a lot of part of the galaxy but never heard of him before.

Metamorpho: what's that Bats? You found something or what.

Batman: I gone around recent years to find any connected with Darkseid.

Fire: what did you find?

Batman: the only thing I found is how they get in and out of places.

Doctor light: they look like Victor's Boomtubes.

Cyborg: that because they are. This tech that's... keeps me alive. Is also the same tech they use.

Superman: so, they been planning on this for a while now.

Batman: apart from Victor. There has been other connect I have discovered.

Black Carney: what is it?

Batman: take look.

Then Batman showed a computer video of a Boomtube opening and two people exiting it the Boomtube.

Steel: that must be what Darkseid said in his speech. He said there was a traditor in this world.

Batman: my thoughts exactly.

Vixen: so, what we do?

Aquaman: we prepare for battle.

Batman: not yet.

Shazam: what do you mean. We need to kick his alien but out of here.

Superman: Batman is right. People are rioting and panicking as well. We need to help them.

Batman: not just that, we need all the help we can get.

Wonder Woman: you want the Titans to help out as well?

Batman: not just them. but I need to go alone to Gotham. I will be back few hours. You find what Darkseid missing persons case at a town not too far from Metropolis

Superman: can at least tell us where you are going?

Batman: I said what I need to do. unless you think you can stop me.

Superman then move slight to the left. and Batman then walk to his batmobile and left for Gotham.

Superman: ok, anyway we need to split up on this one. Cyborg and Zatanna were going to recruit the Titans. John Henry, Billy, Olive and Dinah go and where Batman said to go. The rest of you keep the chaos down.

Flash: well so much for Earth day.

And so, the Justice League prepare to fight the biggest battle the world has ever seen. But would our heroes have enough to win.

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