Chapter 10 Batman and the outlaws

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In the depths of Gotham in an abounded place called the iceberg lounge. It was once own by the penguin but after a tuft war between the outlaws and the penguin. The penguin had no choice but to abounded it. Any who, this was the place for the Outlaws who had no idea the that invasion was going on.

Arsenal: man, I'm so bored! can we go out bash some skull in yet.

Batwoman: That would be a bad idea. Remember what we did last night to the Black mask group.

Arsenal: oh, yeah. He was so pissed what we did to his shipment of weapons.

Artemis: Bizarro, do you not want to less tv.

Bizarro was a rejected clone from Superman DNA. And he can only respond to the opposite way of people talking to him.

Bizarro: Bizarro doesn't like TV. Bizarro doesn't want to his favourite show.

Arsenal: say where's our fearless leader anyway?

Artemis: his in his room planning our next move. The last thing we need is-

Then all of a sudden Batman smash through the glass ceiling and landed on the ground.

Artemis: him showing up.

Batman: I'm here for your boss!

Then Arsenal fired a beam of laser from his robot arm. But Batman kept dodging it and then throw his Batrang which made Arsenal stop his attack. Arsenal then tried to grab his guns. But Batman used his grapple gun to hold him down. Then Artemis went toe to toe with Batman with her sword. But Batman was keeping Artemis on the edge and was gaining an advantage on her.

Artemis: Bizarro! I don't need your help!

Bizarro: Bizarro likes Batman! Batman doesn't get hurt at all!

Then Bizarro charge through and made a hole in a wall. And then went back after Batman. Bizarro had overwhelming strength, but Batman kept reading his move in an instant. Then Batman threw him to another wall. Then Batwoman fired her guns at Batman and Batman dodge it then threw smoke pellets. And then the two went to close combat to each other.

Batman: I thought I fired you.

Batwoman: well he rehired me.

Then Batwoman kicked Batman which slide him through the room. Then Artemis grab her axe and was about to slice Batman. But then the Red hood the leader of the outlaws came out of his room and said.

Red Hood: that enough!

Then Artemis axe hit the ground barely hitting Batman. Then as Red Hood look at Batman and his base. He then said to his team.

Red Hood: give me a few mins.

Bizarro: but Bizarro doesn't want to help Leader. Bizarro very doesn't want to help at all.

Artemis: don't come Bizarro. You must be very thirsting?

Bizarro: Bizarro Doesn't wants cookies.

Then as Red Hood's team left, the Red Hood took of his helmet and begun to have a big talk with Batman.

Red Hood: you must be truly, desperate to need my help.

Batman: well when aliens are invading the world you need all the help you can get. But I'm surprise you haven't done anything yet.

Red Hood: that because we are laying low after what we did to the Black Mask.

Batman: so, his-

Red Hood: no. still alive. But he won't be causing too much trouble for a while.

Batman: look Jason... we need your help.

Red Hood: forget it, I'm not working for you again.

Batman: this threat is bigger than both of us.

Red hood: after you took me in, I want to be you. but after learning the real you. who's having his dead parents telling him what to do. I want nothing to do with you.

Then Batman tighten his fist after Red Hood said those words about his parents.

Batman: we need you Jason!

Red Hood: oh, like Kate need your help! Oh, wait you kicked her out when she murdered the monster who killed her father!

Batman: she was dangerous to the city!

Red Hood: like I am.

Batman: what do you want. Jason please... let me help you.

Red Hood: mostly I want to see you dead. But I know that not going to happen for a while. I'll tell you what. I care about this city too. Only in a different way. If the invasion is bad as you say it is. we will help you. but if you or any of your friend get in the way of my friends.

Then Red Hood put his gun on Batman face.

Red Hood: I will not take it lightly. So, what it's going to be... Batman?

What kind of decision Batman will force to make? How will it affect the future? And will it be enough?

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