Chapter 16 Storm Darkseid flying castle

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After been beaten by Darkseid the powerful members of the Justice League remain unconcise. Then Cyborg open a Boomtube and some of the members of the Justice League went to find Superman and the rest of them and take them back to base. Then after an hour's time the heroes who fought Darkseid woke up.

Cyborg: welcome back.

Flash: ah man, I we can't believe that we lost.

Superman: I can't believe I let Darkseid get away with what he needed.

Barda: you have no idea what's going to happen now! Darkseid is going to have what always wanted now.

Batman: and get worse. Europe it all gone.

The Justice League was shocked to hear those words.

Green Arrow: what do we do now?

Batman: we haven't lost yet. Darkseid mange to beat some of us.

Shazam: yeah and we happen to be the strong ones.

Batman: but not all of us. if we can all work together, we can stop this threat once and for all, the right way.

Flash: I thought you hate working together?

Batman: I never said that. I only work together if the world needs us.

Superman: and the world needs us again.

Then Superman and Batman grab each other hands and Superman got back up from bed. And the Justice League prepare to fight Darkseid again. But this time they hope to win. Then Doctor Light came through and said

Doctor light: everyone, you need to see this!

Then everyone got out of the room and saw that Darkseid next target is... the United States of America.

Black Carney: oh my god!

Hawkman: that the same thing that blow up Europe.

Barda: his right. It one of Darkseid's most powerful and enjoyable weapons. And it takes three of earth hours to recharge.

Batman: and it already been an hour.

Superman: then we make it count. Gather everyone. 

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