Library Troubles

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Hermione's pov-

It had been three weeks since they'd gotten to Hogwarts, and Hermione was in the library. As she'd thought, she'd been mostly alone the whole time. She was doing an assignment for Muggle Studies, which was to use no magic except in classes, so she was having trouble getting a book down. She kept jumping to try and grab the large book. She squeaked when a long muscled arm reached up for her and grabbed it. She looked back in surprise to see Draco standing behind her.

"Thank you." She said as he handed her the book. She was about to walk away, but stopped. "D-do you want to study with me, Draco?" She'd noticed he was alone as well, so she was hoping to help.

He looked down at her. Her short frame was dwarfed by his tall muscular one. He smiled, nodding. He hiked his book bag onto his shoulder. She smiled and gathered her things.

"Follow me. I know a good place." She said. She guided him down to the east side of the Black Lake and to a small cave. Inside, she'd set up a desk, a cauldron, a bed. She'd turned it into her own personal escaped. She set her books down and grabbed a match,  lighting the lamp.

She smiled back at Draco, sitting on the queen size bed with her books. She motioned Draco, and he hesitated before sitting on the bed with her and opening his books. 

Dracos pov-

Draco could barely focus as they studied. He couldn't stop looking at her. As she was reading for her essay, a lock of hair fell in her face. He instinctively pushed it behind her ear, long fingers trailing over her neck slightly. She blushed deeply and looked up at him. He quickly averted his gaze back down to his books. 

Idiot, she doesn't like you!

He sighed. They'd been studying for over an hour. He stood. 

"I-i've gotta go... bye, Hermione." he said, gathering up his things. Hermione frowned. 

"Wait! W-will your read Romeo and Juliet again?" she whispered, just trying to not be alone. Draco looked back at her, sighing. He nodded. 

She laid back again as he sat and pulled out the book. He began reading from where they'd left off. When he finished the first act, her cute snores filled the air. He yawned and looked at her. He smiled and let his eyes slip closed.

-Time skip-

Hermione's POV-

Hermione woke to the rising sun, hearing someone outside her little cave. She sat up and stretched, yawning. Her eyes widened as they fell on someone sitting outside the cave. In the morning light, Draco's hair looked golden, and she could see every curve of his muscles. He looked like a god. 

"G-good m-morning, Draco." She stuttered.

Her breath caught in her throat when he looked back and smiled, standing. He moved inside. 

"Good morning to you too, bedhead." he teased. Hermione blushed and quickly smoothed down her hair. She smiled. 

"Can we meet in the library to study again today?" she asked.

Draco smiled and nodded. "After dinner?"

Hermione gave a simple nod.

-time skip-

That evening, Hermione waited in the library for him. She looked up when he came in, chomping on a green apple. He gave her a smile and sat at the table across from her. She smiled.

"Can we play a game before we study?" she said.

Draco shrugged. "Sure."

Hermione smiled. "It's called 20 questions. Basically, I ask a question, you answer, then you ask a question, and I answer." 

"Sounds good." he took another bite of his apple.

"Ok. What's your favorite color?"

"Depends on how down I'm feeling. Right now?"He hummed in thought. "Lilac."

Hermione's eyebrows raised. "How down you're feeling?" she asked, frowning.

He ignored the question. "I thought it was my turn next." He teased. "What's your favorite book? Muggle book, specifically."

"Pride and Prejudice." She said, thinking. She was worried.

"I haven't heard of that one..."

Her eyes lit up and she dug in her bag, pulling it out. "Here, you can borrow it. It's a romance but it's so good!" She said happily. Draco hummed, taking it. "I'll read it tonight."

They talked happily, never actually studying, just getting to know each other.

When they parted, she saw Draco already pulling Pride and Prejudice out as he walked to the dorms. 


715 words

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