Malfoy's First Christmas

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Draco's POV-

The next morning, he woke to an owl pecking on the window. He grunted, forgetting it was Christmas. He stood and opened the window, letting the owl in and taking the note.

Merry Christmas, Draco! I'll be in the room waiting for you. I have a surprise for you. Come soon, wear PJs - Hermione

Draco smiled and slid  it into his nightstand before going to the room. The halls were mostly empty as most of the students still at school were unwrapping gifts in their dorms. He opened the door, only to be tackled by his favorite bookworm. 

"Merry Christmas!" She squealed happily. He laughed happily, hugging her close.

"Merry Christmas." He said, smiling. They moved into the classroom together and she grinned. 

"Present time!" She said, grinning at him. She pulled him over to the couch and sat him down. He laughed.

"Calm down, Mione. We have all day." He said, smiling at her gently. 

She pouted. "But it's Christmas!" she whined. He laughed and hugged her happily, leaning back against the couch with her in his arms. "Draco, but presents!" She said.

"In a minute." 

Hermione frowned but sighed and laid against him. 

Well, it was not just a minute until he finally let her go. It was almost lunch when he finally sighed happily and let her go.

"Ok, now we can open them up." He said. She grinned and ran to the gift's happily. She grabbed one for him and one for her. He smiled and opened it.

-time skip-

Draco had gotten her dresses, a whole bunch of books, and some new quills. He'd gotten a Weasley sweater, a new racing broom, and some broom upkeep equipment along with some potions tools. He hugged her tightly and smiled. 

"Thank you." he said, kissing her gently.

A knock came on the door, and Draco looked up. He frowned as the door opened and a Mr. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley entered with Ginny and the other Weasley's. He immediately pulled away and folded his hands in his lap, staring down at his feet. 

Ron ran to Hermione and hugged her, picking her up happily. 

"Happy Christmas!" He said. Draco glanced at her. 

"I-I'll see you later..." he whispered. Hermione frowned and immediately pushed away from Ron, going to Draco. 

"No you won't, you're gonna stay here and spend time with us. It's Christmas!"

"T-they don't want me here." He mumbled, then jumped in surprise when Molly hugged him.

"There's no place we'd rather you be, Draco." She whispered.

That day, he joined a new family.

Draco Malfoy became a Weasley.


424 words

Christmas With a MalfoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz