A Wedding to Remember

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Hermione's POV-

Hermione and Draco had planned their wedding for graduation day. Headmistress McGonnagal had made the suggestion that they would perform the graduation ceremony, then on the other side of the lake, they would have the ceremony. Hermione was beyond excited. Minerva was giving them a special boat for them to ride across for their wedding day. Ginny, Luna, and surprisingly, Pansy, were going to be her bridesmaids, with Ginny as her maid of honor, while Draco had Blaise as best man, Harry and Ron as the other groomsmen. 

Hermione sat there as Ginny excitedly worked around her, doing her hair and makeup for her wedding. She sighed. 

"Ginny, hold on a second, I need a break." she said softly. Ginny frowned, but stepped away. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" the redhead asked.

"I-I just... What i-if he's not there, I-I'm scared he won't be there!" She said desperately. 

"Hermione, I can tell you this right now, Draco Lucius Malfoy will be waiting for you at the boats, dressed in a tux with the rest of our year waiting to come watch you get married. And I have no doubt that the rest of the school will be there too. He's gonna look at you like you're the only one there, and he's gonna marry you. I promise you that." She said seriously. 

Hermione began to tear up, but was distracted when Ginny lunged forward. "Oh, no, none of that! I have put a stayput charm yet!" She said and quickly got back to work on her makeup and hair. 

"Alright, dress time!" Luna said dreamily as she stepped in with the pristine white dress in her arms. Hermione smiled and stood, letting her best friends help her into the gown. It was after the final feast, and they were going to the graduation ceremony at 7 pm, as scheduled. She was having her dream. A wedding under the constellation of her husband-to-be. She glanced at the window to see the dragon constellation, Draco, shining especially bright. She smiled, almost wondering if the heaven's knew of the wedding about to happen. 

At 7 exactly, her bridesmaids joined their dates in their respective boats. Music began to play in the open air and Hermione took a deep breath, walking down the path with her bouquet in her hands, veil over her hair, and her dress's train trailing behind her. It had been enchanted to not get dirty. She was walking alone, since her parent's memories were still gone, but their wedding was anything but conventional, so she didn't mind. She saw Draco standing at their grand wedding boat.

And she could tell Ginny was right.

Draco's POV-

The second he saw her, he forgot how to breath.

Her caramel colored hair was tamed into a neat half up braid, pearls adorning it all over. Her lips were a deep red, eyes accented perfectly. She was holding a mix of silver and gold roses in her hands, with the pure white, minimalist dress hugging her curves in all the right places. 

His mouth hung open slightly, eyes wide with adoration and love. It took everything he had to not kiss her right then and there. He knew he had to wait for the ceremony. He gave her a loving smile, stepping into the boat first and extending his hand to her to help her step in. He sat down with her gently and held her hand.

"And I thought you couldn't get more beautiful than the night I proposed. You continue to prove me wrong." He whispered, watching as the graduating year was sent across the lake for graduation, he and his soon wife-to-be in the leading boat. 

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