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Hermione's POV-

Hermione groaned as she woke. She felt a gag in her mouth, and she could tell she was tied to a chair. She looked up quickly to see Pansy Parkinson leaning against a burned column, playing with a silver dagger. 

Hermione's wedding dress was torn to shreds, covered in mud and dirt. And as she looked around, she knew exactly where she was. The destroyed remains of Malfoy Manor. She struggled against the binds and glared at Pansy, who laughed.

"Oh, Granger, you think you're so special." Pansy glanced at her watch. "Dear little lover boy has 13 hours left. Let's see if he pulls through and saves his little mudblood wife, or divorces you, or if he chickens out..." She said, spinning the dagger on her finger.

"I think I'll choose the former, Parkinson." Draco said as he undid his disillusionment charm. Harry and several other Aurors emerged from the trees. As the Auror's launched spells at Pansy, Draco ducked and ran over to Hermione, undoing her restraints and pulling her away from the scene as Harry restrained Pansy. Hermione gripped onto Draco tightly as he picked her up. "Are you ok?"

"I'm ok. Just take me home, love."

I'm ending this here, sorry!

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