A Threat and A Dress

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Draco's POV-

The next few days was full of excitement as other students congratulated them on the engagement. They decided mutually to keep the band of light as their engagement ring, and it gave her a small sense of warmth. Harry and Ron both took sick days from training to come visit them. They grinned at Hermione, then turned to Draco.

"Come on, Draco, let's go get a drink!" they said as Ginny fawned over Hermione's hair. Draco gave his fiancé a hesitant look. She gave him an encouraging smile then nodded. He sighed and nodded. He disapparated with Harry and Ron to Three Broomsticks, where Harry slapped nine sickles onto the bar. 

"Three butterbeers, and two firewhiskeys." He said. The barman nodded and three tankards and two smaller cups floated over, them being filled with their respective drinks. Ron grabbed a butterbeer and firewhiskey, Draco doing the same while Harry took the third butterbeer. They walked over to a booth and Draco sat across from his fiancé's best friends.

"I figured we better get to know you, since it seems you'll be marrying our best friend soon." Ron said with a crooked Weasley grin. 

Draco couldn't help but smile at the thought, looking down into his drink. 

"And you should probably know... If you put a single hurtful finger on her, you're gonna have a whole lot of hell to deal with..." Harry said seriously. Draco looked up. 

"Trust me when I say, you'd be killing a dead man. I'd never forgive myself if I hurt her." He said sincerely.

Hermione's POV-

"I brought my wedding book!" Ginny said happily, digging in her bag and pulling out a massive photo album of wedding dresses, rings, decorations, traditions, and so much more. Hermione looked at it in shock as Ginny put it on the table with a thump, opening it and excitedly flipping through it.

"Wedding book?" She said.

"Lots of girls have them, I'm honestly not surprised you don't have one."

Hermione frowned. "Hey, what's that supposed to mean!?"

"Wedding books were common among wizard girls. You're muggleborn."

"Oh..." She said. She moved forward and looked at the book as Ginny flipped through it. She gasped as she saw a dress in the book. 

"That one." She breathed. (dress in header)

Ginny smiled. "I'm sure we could get it made for you." She said, marking the page. 


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