Chapter 17

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I never ran so fast in my life.

Once I saw Alissa get hit by that car, I lost all sense. I ran straight to get her. The person who hit her stopped, and got out to help. I could tell by the look on her face, she felt horrible.

Alissa's head was bleeding, from hitting the top of the car, and the concrete, and she was bleeding on her arms and shins. She looked like she had a couple broken bones- but it wasn't looking as bad as most people look when they get run over.

Don't ask how I know.

I ran quickly to the hospital, the lady close behind. I reached the hospital, and they took her immediately to an emergency room. I sat down, and put my head in my hands, and began to cry.

"Sweetie.." The woman said, rubbing my back, though I jumped away from her.

She had sad, hazel red eyes, and had dark brown hair. She had on an old black shirt that said, 'Lalala, I cant hear you!' and ripped blue jeans, with black tennis shoes. She looked quite young. Possibly in her early 30s.

"Who are you even." I said, venom in my voice. "And why did you even follow me."

"I actually have a son thats in the hospital. She just jumped into the road- none the less I feel horrible." She sighs.

"Whats his name?" I ask, interested. 

She sighed. "Seto." (OHHH I JUST DID THAT!)

My eyes widened. The person who ran over my friend- though on accident- was Setos mom?

"My name is Gillian. Gillian Jandix." (HEHE XDDDD)

"How convient, my names Dillian! Im.. Im her adoptive sister." I say.

"Thats nice.." She said. Her eyes were cast down at the floor. "Im really sorry. I feel horrible. I cant believe I ran over a poor girl. It makes it even worse that I could be sent to jail, and that my boys in a coma." She shakes her head. "Its just so hard to believe that so many things can happen so quickly."

I tilt my head. "Pardon me for asking, but how old are you?"

"Im 30, girly." Wait, but Setos 16, so...

"Yeah. I was a victim of teenage pregnancy." She says quietly. "Setos true father ran, but I met Setos step-dad on mySpace. Hes a sweet heart." 

I nod. This poor girl must have been through so much... So much alone. No wonder she has this look in her eyes. 

"I wont press charges." I say quickly. She looked at me happily. "Really?"

"Well, If I can do anything about it." I smirk. She hugs me. "Thank you so much." 

I slowly sink into the hug. "Its okay." I say. "No, really." She said, looking at me. Its wierd. Less than 10 minutes ago, she ran over my best friend, and I was pissed off, but now its all better... Im so strange.


We sat there for a few minutes. She stood up soon though, and said she should go see if Seto was alright. 

"Dillian!" Shadow shouted. "We thought something happened to you!" She said, hugging me. "Did something happen? Wheres Alissa? WHERE IS SHE WHY WONT YOU TELL ME JUST TELL ME-" She said quickly, and I cover her mouth, so I can speak.

"Alissa, she rushed her to try to see Seto- OW!" I shout. She bit my hand!

"Ew what a horrid taste, do you even wash your hands, but why is Seto in the hospital? What happened to Alissa?! ImsoconfusedhelpmeIneedhelpwheresSelissa?!" she said quickly

The New Boy (A SetoSorcerer FanFiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora