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Authors POV

Blossom was sitting in her couch with her sisters beside her. She had an ice pack on her cheek from where the man had hit her.

Buttercup was yelling earlier about how she would hunt the man down and hit his ass.

Blossom laughed and said no as she didn't want to go to court or get sued by anyone right now.

Buttercup looked at her with a face as she was going to open her mouth. "No I don't want you to hunt him down for the last time." Blossom said as she knew what Buttercup was going to say.

Buttercup huffed and sat back on the couch as she mumbled cursed words under her breath.

Bubbles was just rubbing Blossom back as she thought about how violent people are these days.

Sure she would be in that protest but she surely won't hit someone just for a stupid mic that got taken away from her hands.

"I looked like an idiot out there." Blossom groaned and one hand left the ice pack to join the other to cover her face.

"Well at least you didn't leave the camera to start crying." Buttercup trying to make Blossom feel better.

Blossom smiled as she thought about how many times women reporters got hit and they started crying or left the camera.

"Yeah I guess..."

The door bell rang and Buttercup quickly walked towards it. She looked through the peep whole to see a red head man at the front.

"Bloss? There's a redhead my in front of your door." She said. Blossom almost jumped up.

"Let him in!" She said as Buttercup shrugged her shoulders and opened the door as Blossom's demand.

Buttercup opened the door to get pushed out of the way from the redhead man. "What the hell!" She yelled as she closed the door.

"Are you okay?!" He said running straight to Blossom. Blossom smiled. "Yeah I'm fine Brick."

Both of Blossom's sisters were shocked. So this is Brick?! Buttercup thought as she understood the whole situation.

"Who's this?" Bubbles asked as she was confused.

Blossom looked down a little embarrassed as Brick looked up to see her sisters and realizing they're not alone.

"Uh? This is Brick!" She said as she grabbed the ice pack and put it back on her cheek.

Bubbles understood now and nodded her head. "So this is Brick!" Bubbles said getting kicked by Buttercup.

Brick smirked and looked at Blossom. "You talk about me?" Blossom blushed. "Yeah about how a good friend you are."

Brick cringed as she said friend.

"Yeah!" Bubbles agreed and Buttercup nodded. "I mean for you to drive here and make sure she's okay thats a good friend."

Blossom then looked at Brick. "You didn't have to come here, you know?" Brick nodded "yeah but I felt this was better."

Blossom smiled back leaving her two sisters in confusion.

"I'm going to leave..." buttercup said not really trying to ruin the movement for the two red heads.

Blossom looked at her and got up. "I'm going to go too!" Bubbles said as she grabbed her purse. Buttercup followed and grabbed her phone. They both left the door.

"I swear somethings going to happen between those two." Bubbles whispered and they walked to their own cars.

"Trust me, that Brick dude has a thing for Blossom. You saw the way he looked when she said friend." Buttercup replied

Bubbles nodded and sat inside her car. Buttercup waved at her through the window.

They both left.

He likes her, they thought

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