Chapter 8

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Clank. Clank. Clank.

These footsteps weren't any other footsteps. Only one whose armor that is heavy. Undyne. A blue lighted spear is seen from the distance, but stopped in the process.

"Sans?!" Undyne yelped out loud. Her voice echoed in her helmet as she removed it to reveal her face.

"Yup." Sans stood up, in front of Frisk, slightly blocking Undyne's view of her.

"What are you hiding there?" Undyne asked suspiciously, "I thought I saw a human." She growled in annoyance.

"What human?" Sans shrugged, hiding his anxiety.

Things seemed fine with Frisk. She didn't seem to have an intentions hurting anyone. She had every opportunity she can to stab in the back right now. But she didn't.

Undyne was about to speak up, but her words were overshadowed by a familiar voice.

"Undyne!! I, the great Papyrus, have made you some spaghetti!"

As Undyne turned her head away, Sans and Frisk fled. Sans could very well teleport away, but he needs to conserve his energy for whatever may come into his path.

"Sans?!" Papyrus's voice was faint from behind. "Get back here, you lazy bones!"

Shoot. It seems Papyrus has noticed him. From a distance, Undyne seemed irritated. Has she noticed Frisk?

A spear bolted towards them. It seems Undyne's aim was off that it was heading towards Sans!

Without hesitation, Frisk pushed Sans away and the spear scratched against her  back. Not enough to badly damaged her, but some blood trickled down her back.

"Are you ok?"  A question Sans should have asked her, but she asked instead.

She was the one who was injured, yet she worried more for Sans.

"Play dead." Sans whispered. Frisk caught on and pretended to fall down to faking her death.

Sans lifted Frisk up and carried her away.

"I got the human, Undyne!" Sans shouted out. "She's dead so I'll take her to Asgore!"


"No problem." Sans answered back.

Frisk was mildly blushing being held by Sans. The pain in her wound wasn't severe and it stopped bleeding quickly. As time passed, she peeked open one eye to see Sans' also blushing in a deep blue hue. She quickly shut her eye.

Frisk protected me...
Sans thought.
I know Undyne wasn't intentionally aiming towards me. Frisk could have let me die. But she didn't.

Sans' felt more guilty he let Frisk get hurt. He could have protected her, yet he was also testing her. She definitely passed the test.

"We're in the clear." Sans said, as he gently placed her down. Frisk opened her eyes as she recognizes the doorway to the judgement hall.

How long was I closing my eyes? Frisk thought.

She assumed she had fallen asleep at one point.

"Thank you." Frisk shyly smiled at Sans.

"Well, girl" Sans walked beside her, "We're almost there. How about I judge ya. For old times sake?" Sans winked. Frisk giggled and nodded.

Their footsteps synced up and they walked across the checkered floor. Sans started to walk ahead of Frisk a bit to lead the way. Frisk stopped and Sans walked a bit ahead.

As he was turning around, Frisk started to lose control over her body again. Anxiety filled her heart and her hand unwillingly moved. She noticed her sleeve turned into green stripes.
This wasn't her body anymore! It was Chara's!
Without a moment to spare, Frisk's SOUL pushed out of Chara's body. As if in slow motion, she saw Chara's twisted smile and knife lunging towards Sans. Sans didn't have a moment to react. His eyes widened.


Trickle. Trickle.

Frisk fell to the ground in her pool of blood.

Heart-Tale (Sans x Frisk - Undertale AU)Where stories live. Discover now