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Dec walked onto the stage and tripped over a prop that was in the way and fell. 'Ow.'

'Mate you ok?'

'Yeah fine.'

'This one.' Ant laughed.

'I know I'm so funny' They laughed together this time.

'But seriously, you hurt?'

'I mean I hit me shin a bit.'

'Alright let's carry on with the show then.'

Ant and Dec turned to face the audience, and saw that they were all looking at them weird.

'What's the problem?' Ant asked. That's when Dec saw it.

'Ant! Your not moving your mouth!'

'Neither are you!' Their eyes widened in awe.

'Are we doing what I think were doing?'

'Mind readin?'

'Yeah!' Both Ant and Dec jumped up and down with joy and started chanting:

'We can mind read! We can mind read!'

"Boys are you ok?" Simon asked.

'Oh god. We must look so silly to the audience.'

'I'll have to stretch my jaw.'

'Me too...' Ant said. Ant and Dec began to open and close their mouths.

"Seriously, are you alright?" The judges seemed to grow more confused by the minute. Ant gave a quick thumbs up and they carried on. Dec started to move his jaw in a circular motion.

'This is pretty weird isnt it?'

'Yeah' Dec coughed clearing his throat and managed a whisper.

"That's better...hold on..." Dec cleared his throat once again and his voice was louder this time. "No, that's better!" Dec laughed awkwardly but he soon realized that his friend was still having issues and a frown was forming on his face. "You still having issues mate?"


"It's alright your voice will come."

'What if it doesn't.'

"Don't think that."

'But what'

"Positive Mate."

Dec looked around and saw the confusion returning on everyone's faces at the one sided conversation. People started to talk amongst themselves. 'C'mon you can do this Ant!' Dec thought. Maybe it would be less awkward if they were both silent. 'Dec I have an idea. Don't freak out ok? I'm gonna hold my breath.'

'Oh, alright.' From what Dec heard this did not sound like a very good idea but he let Ant do it. Ant let out a breath and didn't breathe back in. Dec watched as Ant began to change from beige to blue. Ant's hand grabbed his arm so tight he drew blood, but Dec didn't care he just kept staring at Ant. Suddenly Ant breathed in so fast you could hear his massive gasp from the audience, considering the fact that Ant did not have a microphone. The sharp intake of oxygen had caused Ant to cough and sputter.

"Better now?" Dec asked.

"Yeah." Ant croaked in return.

"Anyway" Dec carried on as if nothing happened but he knew he would get some questions later...


Next Time: Will Ant and Dec tell anyone? Who's face will Dec smash in this time?

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