Unbidden Failure

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This is officially the most words I've written. Been writing for 5 hours. I don't really know what has happened with this chapter it is trash just like the rest of them.

Also thank you so much for 2K views it means a lot ❤️

Enjoy 😊

Anne gasped audibly at the bundle wailing on the porch She scooped up the baby and carried her in open mouthed. I have to tell Ali Immediately! Anne placed Isla down in the extra crib they had for when her and Ant had to look after her. Anne smiled sadly at the baby who had quieted down and looked at her with hazel and grey eyes, just like her fathers. Anne put her down and gave Isla a small bit of food so as not to make her sick because of her malnourished body. She hand fed her for a few minutes until Isla had gotten tired and fell asleep. Anne stared sadly at her for a few moments. I can't believe someone would do this to her, or anyone. She then turned to walk to the kitchen with a small smile and a little pep in her step at the hopeful turn of events.

Anne walked to her phone so that she could call Ali, still a little dumbfounded at Isla's sudden appearance, but just before Anne could dial the number she heard a knock at the door. Anne strode carefully to the door and opened it slowly. Ali was smiling a little bit from her walk and Anne smiled widely knowing just how much better that Ali's day was going to be. Ali and Ant smiled seeing Anne's huge grin and giggled.

"What is it Anne?" Ali asked still grinning. Anne was too happy for words so she grabbed Ali's hand and gestured for Ant to follow as well. They were still smiling at her But they looked a little confused at this point. As soon as Anne got close enough to Isla's room that Ali could see it, her smiled faded and her gaze clouded emotionlessly and she halted and looked at Anne darkly.

"What are you doing." She growled quietly. Anne's smile got smaller at her tone, but still held it up encouragingly. "It's okay Ali." She said. Ali looked at her suspiciously and Anne continued walking forward. Ali followed behind carefully with her head down refusing to look at the door.

"Ali I think you should open the door." Ali looked at her warily and Anne smiled trying to encourage her to open it. Ali walked forward sadly and opened the door carefully while Anne stepped back to hold Ant tightly. Ant looked at her with a little bit of confusion but she just smiled at him lovingly and he smiled back. Ali stepped forward and you could tell she was trying to suppress tears. Slowly the hinges creaked and their gaze fell on the dimly lit room.


Ali felt a lump forming in her throat, and tears prickling at the back of her nose and the corners of her eyes. The hinges creaked softly when she pushed open the door, she looked at the dim room wondering why there were lights on and what Anne was doing. Anne had been smiling when she opened the front door so she thought that something good had happened, but she didn't know why they were coming to this room. Ali had been trying to avoid looking at this room or the one in her own house. Her eyes fell on the crib In the corner of the room, she squinted and moved closer to try to figure out what was there. When she realised what it was her eyes widened and she stayed frozen to the spot. Quietly she reached forward held her child close to her chest and when she felt Isla's tiny heartbeat against her own. That's when the floodgates opened and she fell to her knees sobbing still clutching Isla close to her. Ali opened her eyes to see Isla's  innocent eyes staring into her's. Isla smiled and giggled and it was the most beautiful sound Ali had heard for months. Isla was almost a toddler at this point but Ali held her like she did when Isla was just a newborn.

She felt comforting hands on her back and turned to see Ant and Anne crouched beside her smiling. Ali looked at them and stared at Anne then Isla then back to Anne again.

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