I'm Gonna Smash Your Face In!

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The show had gone on break and Ant and Dec walked into the judges room to relax and have a thoughtful conversation.(literally)"Alright what happened out there!" Simon barged in demanding the truth. "Wha-What do you mean?" Ant asked. "You know full well what I mean McPartlin." The other judges had crowded behind him with their arms crossed and hands on their hips.

"I-I can explain." Dec started.

"And you better!" Alesha interrupted. "We were worried about you." Amanda spoke up.

'Ant, I think we can trust 'em.'

'I don't know Dec...'

'If we can trust anyone it's them.'

'You're probably right...' Ant sighed.

'That's settled then. I'll tell 'em.'

Dec turned to face the judges all of their furious gazes boring into their skin at the silent conversation. "Ok, ok...We'll tell you." The judges seemed less tense, but, they didn't let down their stern gaze. "You have to promise not to tell anyone." Dec told them. "Ok." They all agreed. "We just learned this today but...I think me and Ant can read each others minds." Dec winced when he finished, for he wasn't sure how the judges would react. He let out a sigh of relief when David smiled at him.

"Hah, we knew it all along. Isn't that right Si? I called it when we were sitting at the table!"

"Yes David, you called it." Simon rolled his eyes. "Anyway...Are you serious?"

Dec nodded.

"Prove it."

"Ok, I'll write something down on paper, and show you. Then Ant will stand over there and tell you what I wrote."

Simon seemed content enough with that response and nodded his head. Dec scavenged the room for a piece of paper and a pencil, and jotted down a word that unless Ant could read his mind, he would never get it. Simon looked at Ant expectantly, and Ant knew the answer right away.

"Supercalafragilisticexpialadocious."-Mary Poppins Reference- Ant said confidently.

"Cor-Correct..." Simon said astonished.

"Is that enough proof Simon?" Dec asked.

"Yes. What are we going to do?"

"Nothin'" Ant replied.

"What do you mean 'Nothing'?"

"I mean, we are not going to do anything." Ant seemed as confused as ever as to why Simon was making a big deal of it all. "But this is a big deal! You could be famous!"

"Simon, In case you haven't noticed, we already are famous."

"Oh Yeah..." Simon put his hand on his head. "But, Still. This is awesome."

"Simon. If we tell other people they will think we are going crazy we are in our Mid-forties. You mean to tell me that I'm supposed to waltz onto that stage and say 'Oh my the way, me and Dec can mind read.' Do you have any idea what could come from that? Not all of it would be good. In fact, I think hardly any of it would be good. Simon, you may be boss when it comes to the talent industry, but when it comes to US, you have NO say in what we do! Do you understand me? You better understand because if you don't I-" Ant was cut off by Dec. "He will smash you face in." Dec turned to face Ant.

"And I will smash your face in if you keep that up mister!" Dec, although smaller, was more in charge when it came to their business relationship. Ant looked down at his feet.

"I'm sorry Dec."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to."

"I'm sorry Simon." Ant sounded like a little kid apologizing to his mother or siblings after doing something bad, and clearly a little ashamed of what he did. Thankfully Simon responded well.

"No worries. I guess I was being kind of stupid."

"Damn right, you were." Ant chuckled.

Dec was glad that the tension had lifted. "Alright. Breaks almost over. We are not telling anyone, Got it?" Dec said and Ant nodded in agreement. Dec got up and Ant followed him to the door Dec let everyone go first before looking at the judges room with a sigh and switching off the light.


Next time: Ant has always been clumsy in so many ways, but will it be him that lets it slip?

Thank you to @antanddecfics for being the first person to comment on one of my stories! I hope you enjoyed!

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