Like I Can't

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(Short Chapter)

2 Months had gone by and still no sign of Isla, Dec was at his breaking point 24/7 and they were beginning to lose hope. Ant and Dec were to head off to Australia soon and he didn't want to go but he had to....

"Can't you ask to cancel the show?" Ali asked a very stressed Declan Donnelly.

"No Ali. That wouldn't be fair to the viewers..."

"But surely they'd under-"

"I said No. There is nothing more to say, let me pack."

Ali nodded a lone tear spilling over her lashes, she wiped it away quickly before Dec could notice. She hated seeing her husband this way and she knew that the only way to dull some of the issues is to have a long conversation, which neither of them had the time for right now. Sometimes she thought that he was being selfish, which he was, not thinking about how Ali wanted him to stay.... For her.

Ali slowly made her way down the stairs and into the front room, and was startled when the door bell rang. She walked uncertainly towards the door and opened it. To her surprise, a clearly distressed Ant was on the porch.


"Is Dec ok?" Ant asked sounding frantic.

"Y-yeah sort of... Why?"

"I haven't seen him for a month, and he hasn't answered my texts or calls."

"Wait, but only yesterday he said he was going out to meet with you...."

"He lied to you then. Can I go see him please?"

"O-Of course!" Ali was bewildered, if Dec wasn't going to see Ant every other day, where was he going?

"Hey Ali?" Ant asked now inside the house behind her. She turned away from the spot on the ground she was staring at and looked at Ant.

"Yes Ant?"


"For what?"

"Caring for him, Dec.... Like I Can't"

"Wha-? Ant!" Ali called but Ant had already turned and was making his way up the stairs....

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