Worry and Relief

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It was 9 am when Anne-Marie woke up. She looked to her side expecting to see Ant but she didn't, the bed was empty. Confused, Anne traveled down the stairs and into the kitchen, when she didn't see him Anne looked in the lounge she was starting to get worried because she couldn't find him, and immediately her mind when to worst case scenario. She searched the entire house and couldn't find him or Ali.

Anne-Marie paced the house wondering what she should do and cringed when she realised that she should give them a call.

Anne was full on freaking out by now and reached for her phone so that she could ring them, her hands shook as she Dialed Ant's contact only to curse under her breath when she discovered that Ant had left his phone on the table in the lounge. Next was Ali and Anne took a deep breath so that she wouldn't hyperventilate.

Anne let out the loudest sigh of relief when Ali picked up but she wasn't about to let Ali off the hook very quickly for scaring her like that.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" Anne yelled at the phone angrily.

"Hey, Hey. Calm down. I'm on a walk."

"Is Ant with you?!"


"Thank God. I nearly had a heart attack."

"We will be back soon."

"Okay Great. Also, leave a note when you leave at least!"

"Noted. Sorry Anne."

"It's Alright. See you soon. Bye."

Anne smiled and hung up. She then turned to make some tea and sat in the lounge. Suddenly the doorbell rang, Anne looked at the door confused. Surely Ali and Ant hadn't gotten back that quick. She walked to the front warily and opened the door to find that no one was there. Before Anne closed the door, she looked down and what she saw made her gasp with disbelief...

I made this a really short chapter because I'm lazy and I feel like being mean. Let me know if you have any ideas for future chapters.

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