The Flood of Emotions Has Arrived

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It was around midnight the police had left and Dec was exhausted. His bruises were aching and his mind was a tornado. He had just got the go ahead to be alone, because of what he did to himself, but he did not want to be alone. Dec reached out and pulled the arm of the taller man beside him like a little kid.

"Dec, you need to apologize to Ali."

"What for?"

"What for? You've ignored her all night. It's her daughter too you know."

Dec sighed. "You are right, I will go talk to her. Where is she?"

"On the sofa in the living room with Anne-Marie."

"Ok." Dec let go of his grasp on Ant and walked down to the Living room, seeing Ali shriveled up crying on Anne's lap made another wave of emotions come over him. He walked and sat down beside her she had yet to notice his presence. "Ali..." He said quietly. She lifted her head and stared at him. Dec turned to Anne and said, "Can me and Ali have some time alone?"

"Of course." Anne smiled and backed away. "Where's Ant?"


"Thanks." She finished before whisking off in the direction of her partner.

Dec turned to his beloved wife curled up beside him. "Dec?" She said sounding like a small child.

"Yes pet?"

"Do you think Isla's alive? Did they kill her?"

"Shhh Let's not think about that ok?"

"It's just hard when it might be true."

"Yes it's a possibility, but I doubt someone would take an innocent baby just to kill it."

"People are cruel."

Dec couldn't help but laugh a tiny bit, "Yes... yes they are."

"I just can't help but think I could've done something."

"I feel the same way Ali, but we couldn't have known, we were all caught up in the moment and-"

"What was that at the dinner table?"

"The laughing?" Dec said nervously.

"No. The 'oh good thing I can read your mind Dec' thing."

"Oh that uh..."

"Don't act surprised, you knew it was coming sooner or later."

"Yeah uh.... Hold on."

Dec turned his head around to face the upstairs, the direction of Ant.

'Ant can you come downstairs with Anne? We need to chat...'

'Sure thing Decs'

Seconds later Ant appears at the top of the stairs hand in hand with Anne-Marie.

'What are we talking about.' Ant thought to Dec staring at Him.

'Our..... Ablities'

'Well that's one way to put it.'

'I'm not quite sure what it is so...'

'I get it, Idiot.'

'Well Excuse Me' Dec teased smiling. The two of them stood laughing, while the girls were confused although they had several ideas of what was going on.

"Alright." Ali said firmly breaking the light situation. "Speak to us about that..." She motions her hand in a circle as if to suggest Ant and Dec together in one area, ".... With words we can understand." Dec sighed and waited for the taller man, and the woman beside him, to take their respective places near Dec and Ali.


Ali was enraged, although she did an amazing job of hiding it. How could her husband keep such a big secret from her for so long, AND He told the BGT judges first! She was at the end of her straw with this man and her patience and composure was fading, she felt like punching him, and she probably would. Anne seemed just as angry her jaw clenched and her tightly closed fists. Ali just snapped. Seeing Anne angry too made her dam of emotions breach and flood like a tsunami.

She Abruptly stood and Stared down at Dec.

"Declan Donnelly." She growled in disgust. "Come stand right here." She said Pointing to a space right in front of her. He did so quickly and without hesitation. Dec looked absolutely terrified, Ali felt an odd sort of satisfaction seeing him this way. Ali moved closer their cheeks brushing and her breath on his ear. "You've messed with the wrong person..."

Before Dec could move away, Ali stepped back and knocked him across the face. As soon as she hit him in the upper part she hit him in the lower part, and then the stomach. Dec fell over clutching his face and his torso panting and wheezing on the ground. Ant ran over to his injured friend and tried to help him but he refused to get up.

Ant turned to Ali, "What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!"

"Me?! You should ask yourself that question!"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think I mean?!"

"Look what you've done to Decs"

"I don't care."

"Why are you being so cold and hurting people."

"Why wouldn't I? Anyone else would have."

"Anne-Marie didn't"

"She looked like she was about to."

Ant turned and looked at Anne and she nodded firmly.

"I can't believe you." Ant hissed. "I'm done with this." Ant lifted Dec off the ground and carried him upstairs and out of Ali's sight.

"Well I should be getting home Ali." Anne sighed.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow." Ali said her voice now calm, although there was a somber ring to it.

"Bye." Anne said and walked out the door.


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