Losing Hope

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Dec continued his packing for Oz mindlessly shoving things he might need into his bag, Ali wasn't coming with him this year, she was staying behind Incase there was any news about Isla. The police had already found several false leads and Dec wanted to give up.
As much as he loved Isla and missed her, he just felt there was no hope and he wanted to leave it behind them. Dec heard a knock on the door and Rocky began to bark excitedly. Declan sighed and slowly wandered down the stairs, Dec used this technique because someone with something important to say or do would stick around a bit longer while, someone who advertises would leave. Dec yawned he hadn't gotten a proper sleep in what felt like forever. Dec then changed his mind about opening the door and turned around walking back the way he came.

Officer Samantha Havens stood on the front porch of the Donnelly household, her breath billowing in the cold London air. Samantha waited tapping her foot impatiently as the time ticked on. She needed to get in touch with Ali or Dec but in the midst of fear and getting things done, she had forgotten to get their contact information. Samantha, or as some say Sam, had just turned 20 a few months ago and became a full time officer, she had worked hard fresh out of high school and had gotten 4 years of police training squeezed into two. She really wanted to make her boss proud and was working really hard to prove it to him, that's why she was really happy when the call came in for a kidnapped child. Although the situation was sad, she finally had the chance to prove herself worthy of her job. Sam had always been a big fan of Ant and Dec since she was young, her coworkers and sergeant officers knew this and told her to act calm and composed. This was difficult for her but she was doing good so far. The first time that she was asked for help by a crying Ant was stressful. She almost gasped out loud when she opened the door and saw Dec unconscious.

Sam peeked around to the side of the house, she new that Dec was here because Ali had stopped by the police station earlier to let them know that Dec was going to be home alone. Ali started doing that every time that she went somewhere after the Isla incident because she was afraid that he was going to do something stupid. Samantha knew that Ant and Dec were leaving for Australia soon.

Sam was tired of waiting in the cold she rang the door bell and started to walk towards the fence surrounding the yard in the back. She lifted the gate pulled forward and pushed. The gate unlatched with a satisfying click. Sam smiled, proud of herself, she had only managed to do that a few times. She pushed on the gate gently, the hinges creaking from the cold. Sam looked up to the sky it was overcast and the first snowfall of the season was on its way. She walked carefully her boots crunching on the frozen ground, as she looked about the yard, she saw what looked like a once beautiful garden, was instead wilted with black bushes and flowers. Sam squinted her eyes, something wasn't right this was not just from the cold. Sam shook her head she didn't really want to think about the cause of this deserted garden. She continued walking until she reached a pool covered with a dusty tarp. How long had it been since Dec had taken care of his things?

Dec peered out of his window and his eyes narrowed when he saw a person in his backyard. He abruptly got up and ran down the stairs he opened the sliding glass door and confronted the figure.
"Oi! What are you doing in my yard?!?" Dec shouted. The person looked up
"Oh! Em... I uh.... Hello Mr. Donnelly..."

"I asked what you were doing." Dec growled back

"Sorry... Um you weren't answering the door so I uh..."

"What do you want?"

"Oh um I'm under strict orders to deliver a message to you."

"Wait your that officer girl aren't you?"

"Yes Mr.Donnelly..."

"Call me Dec. What is your name pet?"

"Samantha Havens sir. Most people call me Sam though."

"Well hello Sam." Dec said now feeling calm in her presence.

"I came to tell you that the PDP and FBI want to close the case, they don't have much hope."

"What!?! NO! They can't...."

"I'm sorry, I don't make the decisions...."

"But Isla, my baby." Dec began to sob. How could they stop looking? She has to be okay... Dec leaned against the door and slid to a crying heap on the floor. Dec shook his Dec in his hands. How could this happen.

Dec lifted his head to face Sam. "C-Could you C-Call Ant for me-me please?" Dec asked her unlocking his phone and handing it over.


Dec felt bad for Sam, she looked very nervous and confused. Dec had heard that the officer that visited them frequently was a big fan of theirs, so she probably didn't know how to deal with her idols when they were in this state, but few people actually did.

"Um sorry but uh what do I say?"

"It's okay I will tell him." Dec responded. Sam held his phone out to him but Dec had already closed his eyes and concentrated hard.

'Ant I need you.' Dec waited a few moments and then said it again 'Ant please I need you...'

'Is everything ok.'

'Not really.'

'What is it?'

'Ju- Just Come...'

'Okay, on my way.'

Dec opened his eyes Sam was standing there with a bewildered look on her face.

"What was that?"

"Um nothing."


Dec bit his lip. Looking into her eyes. What am I doing? No. She is so young. I don't even know her... Dec shook his head.

"Yep nothing."

"Ok do you want to call him now?"

"No... Um I... I called him before I came out here. Yeah that's what I did."

"Oh Okay..."

Reality hit Dec once again and he started to cry more. I can't believe they are giving up.. Dec then remembered his thoughts earlier. Why did I every want to give up on my baby? He drew in a shuddery breath and got to his shaky feet.

"Please don't let them give up... I hate myself because I lost hope at one point."

"I can try but I really-"

"Please..." Dec used his puppy eyes on her.

"I will do my best Sir."


"Okay Dec."

Dec got up from his place on the floor and began to walk to the lounge. Lowering himself on the sofa, he looked back on the last few months. He couldn't believe that he was heading back on a plane to Australia the next day. Dec finally heard the front door creak open, it was most likely Ant because him and Ali were the only other people with keys besides Dec himself.

Ant turned the key in the deadbolt and it clicked softly. He was worried about Dec, his thoughts had sounded desperate. Ant quietly opened the door to the cold house instantly Any could feel a draft coming from the back door. Oh No! Did Dec do something! Did he drown himself!!! Ant's mind went directly to worst case scenario.  Ant dashed quickly dashed to the back sliding door when he halted abruptly to the sound of crying coming from the lounge. "Declan?" Ant asked a frown forming on his eyebrows. Ant walk towards the source of the sobs and found a distraught Dec on the sofa. Ant sat down beside his friend and put a comforting hand on his back. "Hey mate... whats up?"
"Did they find her.... Is- Is she..."
"I-I don-dont-t know."
"Why are you crying?"
"Be-Because th-th-ey want to close the case... they a-re giving up." Dec's last few words were barely a whisper and he began to break into tears once again Ant pulled him close and whispered comforting words into his ears.

Meanwhile Sam was heading back to the PDP and one thought was running through her mind, I will get Isla back, I will, even if I have to do it myself....

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