A New Sense Of Urgency

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"Hello, Declan."

That was the last thing he heard before his world crashed into a swirling Darkness...


Ant was getting worried. Dec had been gone too long. Is that cheeky bugger playing with me? Ant got up and excused himself from his seat. Jogging along the suddenly bare halls to the centre of the airport where there were people, but not very many. This was very bizarre and it raised Ants suspicion. He turned the corner expecting to see a long line trailing out of the women's bathroom like there always was, but to his utter surprise, there wasn't one. Ant shrugged it off and walked to the Men's Room. The door was shut but Ant opened it.

"Dec what is taking you so- Dec?" Ant looked inside and no one was there all of the doors were opened. Ant looked around confused. "Declan?" Ant was about to leave when he saw something on the floor. Ant carefully walked to the item and picked it up. He saw that it was a wallet and he opened it up to see whose it is...


"Declan!!!!" Ant screamed at the top of his lungs hoping that Dec could hear him. "Dec! Where are you?" Ant looked around frantically not sure of what he was supposed to do. He couldn't focus, he was scared for Dec's life. He called the first person he thought of, Samantha Havens.


Dec opened his eyes to find that he was in a musty room, he looked around curiously, hoping that he was dreaming. He was in a small room with no windows. It looked like he was in a Panic Room or a Tornado shelter. Dec was confused about how on earth he had gotten to this place until he realised the pain from his head and remembered the airport. Then he thought immediately of Ant. Has he noticed I'm gone yet?

Dec got to his feet and looked around for the source of the low light and found a small lamp in the corner of the room. but then in the opposite corner, he saw a dark crate like structure. Dec decided to dismiss the item and started to sit back down exhausted when he suddenly knocked over the lamp beside him.

The metal crashing on the hard floors. The noise startled Dec but apparently, it startled someone else as well...


Samantha rushed over to the airport with a few other friends in the force. She was scared but also honoured that Ant had called her first, and not anyone more experienced than her. Ant was freaking out on the phone so therefore she couldn't make out much of what he had said but she knew that something sounded wrong and it was probably related to Dec.

Sam pulled up to the front of the airport where it was very quiet and not many people were walking around she ran inside and began looking for Ant, who was standing near the bathrooms pacing. Sam approached Ant and could see tears in his eyes he was like an abandoned puppy. She asked him to take deep breaths and tell her what happened.

"D-Dec wa-was going to the R-Restroom and he didn't come back so I had to go f-find him..."

Ant started sobbing and his tears flowed faster from his face. "Hey Ant?" She said in a gentle tone but not patronising. "Can you give me a little more information, is is that all you have?"

"T-There is M-More... When I-I went Int-to the restroom nobody was there and D-Dec's wallet was lying on the floor..."

"So you think he is missing?"

Ant shrugged. "I-I think he was taken..." Ant began to get quiet and there was a tired look on his face. A lot had happened to him today, as Samatha saw in the press only a little earlier this morning.

"Ant, why don't you go home and have a rest we will let you know if we find anything."


"Ant please, it's for your good!"

"Fine, But if you need help with anything, please ask me I might be able to be of service."

"I do have one question for you Ant, What was he wearing today?"

"Oh...Em... A grey sweater and some loose black trousers. I never saw the shirt he had on though."

"Okay, thank you." Sam already knew what Dec had been wearing from all the videos that had been posted all over social media. But she asked Ant because she wanted to see how much he had been paying attention to Dec today. After all, he may have caught other details as well.


Ant called Anne-Marie t come pick him up from the Airport. She sounded confused but he told her that he would explain everything once they were home.

"Am I picking up Dec too?" Anne asked him.

"Eh, No. That's part of the problem..."

Anne said no more and hung up on Ant. Ant walked over to a bench and sat down thinking over the events of the day and the fact that it was only 10 AM still. He sat there with his thoughts which could have been bad, but these thoughts weren't too harsh on him.


Dec immediately heard crying after he knocked over the lamp and he recognised the crying he had heard it before.

Dec got to his feet and ran to the crate taking the lamp with him. Dec looked inside and saw a familiar face, he immediately put the lamp down and looked at his child the one who he had missed dearly. Dec picked up Isla and held the underweight baby near his heart. Happy tears rushed down his face he neared to say her name or else he wouldn't believe it was real.

"Isla Elizabeth Anne Donnelly... I have missed so much my little girl"

Isla quieted down. And Dec sat down near the crate leaning against the wall holding his beloved baby in his arms. Refusing to loose the part of himself that he had just gotten back but now there was another problem for Ali...

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