Chick-flicks, cheats and clean freaks.

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"Isn't it a little cramped." Claire mused as she looked at the pokey living area of the flat that Lee, H and Lisa were currently sharing. They'd decided to have a band sleepover and Claire was holding a lasagne she had made at her home, still living with her folks she had access to a kitchen and not the tiny kitchenette that the flat had. "Well it's fine. You can pop your sleeping bag down here and Faye can put hers next to Lise." H said as he pointed to two tiny rectangles of space on the floor. "More to the point Faye, what the hell?" Lee said as he went through the selection of videos Faye had brought over. "What? Jes only likes weird sci-fi crap and James Bond. I brought horror too!" She ventured as Lee held up the Pretty Woman VHS and Ghost VHS. "There's Scream and Nightmare on Elm Street in there." Faye mused as she unrolled her sleeping bag. H chuckling as the bright yellow material stood out somewhat amongst the blue and red other sleeping bags. 

After eating their dinner at the rather tiny dining table and breakfast bar Lee was washing up, Lisa having volunteered Faye to help dry. "Thanks Lise."
"What? I made dessert!" Lisa countered as H snorted.
"Lise, you scooped up some ice-cream, it's hardly making dessert!" He retorted as Lisa mock-gaped. "It was a Vienetta actually." She said as Claire was busy changing into her PJ's. H meanwhile had crouched down by the TV and had pulled out a board game. "We have to play monopoly while we're all here. Lee's currently the champion of our 3 people games but I reckon it might be more of a challenge with 5 of us. I swear he cheats." H said as Lee snorted as he wiped a plate clean of the remnants of the lasagne. "No you just buy anything you land on and Lisa is too predictable with her purchases."
"I am not!" Lisa said in annoyance.
"Are too, you always go for the orange set and stations." H mused as Lisa sighed slightly.
"Ergh how do I always land on tax." Claire moaned as she tossed a £100 fake note into the centre of the board. "Because you buy so much." H teased as their bandmate was something of a shopaholic even with the small sum of money they were currently been paid. H tossed the die and smiled as he landed on Fleet Street. "Buying it!" He said as Lisa groaned. "It was all too obvious what you were doing Lise, given red is the next set to orange." H retorted as Lee handed over the card.
"Lee have you got all your properties in alphabetic order?" Claire said as Lisa giggled.
"Hey you want to see his room, the CD collection is incredible. Artist and then title sorted." She teased lightly. "Okay I like things to be in some order and tidy. Is that wrong?" Lee protested. "Just because you Lise are the messiest person I have ever encountered." He responded as Lisa smirked. "You think I'm messy, really." She said as she dipped her hand into the Crisps and sent a tumble of Doritos flying out. "Lise!" Lee snapped as Lisa chuckled seeing how easily riled up her bandmate got. "Lisa don't wind him up." Claire said defusing the issue as Faye went to gather up the mess. 

"H you cheat, I swear you had less money than that when I went to the bathroom. You know you have to watch him he likes to help himself to the bank, especially when the banker is otherwise preoccupied." Lisa said as Lee was sat with a dustpan and brush sweeping the crumbs up as Faye bit her lip to save herself from giggling. "Alright Lise, I want things tidy, is that the worst thing in the world?" Lee said harshly.
"No, but it is when H is helping himself to £50's from the bank."
"Jesus Lise, you make it sound like I'm donning a balaclava and breaking into the local Barclays." H chuckled as Claire shook her head at him.
"Well seriously she is making out I'm some criminal mastermind."
"That's about the only thing you'd be mastermind of." Lee quipped as H feigned annoyance at the jibe. 

"This is so far fetched, I mean for one thing, as if he wouldn't have his pick of females." Lee said as Faye giggled slightly snuggled in her sleeping bag, her hair in a loose plait hanging down over one shoulder. "You enjoying the movie there Lee?" She teased as Lee tapped her nose playfully. Lisa and Claire shared a knowing look. Sure Faye might have a boyfriend but she and Lee always shared slightly flirty banter. "I'd definitely go with Richard Gere for that amount of money." H said as on the film Richard Gere's character 'Edward' was offering Julia Robert's 'Vivian' an astonishing proposition. "Oh we know, you'd go with him for free." Lisa shot as H shrugged. 
"I dunno, not sure he's my type. Lee over there however." He teased as Lee rolled his eyes slightly all too used to his bandmate's teasing.

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