Unplanned Matrimony

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"Fuf? Do you know where Lisa is? I knocked on her door and she didn't respond." Claire said as she was sat on Faye's hotel bed as her bandmate was sat applying her make up in front of the dressing table. "Her and H were still doing shots in the bar when Lee and I called it a night. Think Lisa was trying to be a supportive friend what with H and Louis having broken up." Faye said softly as Claire wrinkled her nose slightly in thought. "I wish he would a better way of coping than just drinking." She mused as Faye bit her lip.
"He will, this is just the initial painful bit of a break-up." She responded as she applied a pink lip-gloss to her lips. "We'll drag him clubbing soon and well I know a couple of guys who I think our H will adore." She said as she scrutinised her hair momentarily. "You know I think I might get a bob next time."
"That's all good and well Faye but it doesn't solve the issue of where Lisa is." Claire muttered as she fiddled with her bracelet.

Lisa blinked repeatedly and rubbed her sore head hating the taste in her mouth. She didn't recall exactly how much she had drank last night but suspected it was a lot. Rolling over she let out a soft sigh and then a loud shriek as she found herself laid next to her best friend, his blond curtains falling in front of his lazily opened eyes. "Oww Lise." He uttered as he gaped himself realising that they were both laid naked in the bed. "Wha...what di...did we do?"
"I...H how much did we drink?"
"Did we you know...." H trailed off as Lisa grabbed the duvet cover and wrapped around her. They'd shared a bed on several occasions before as mates but never once had woken both stark naked. "I..I dunno." Lisa said in a soft voice as there was an urgent banging on the hotel room door. "H mate you okay?" Lee's voice echoed through the door.

"What's going on?" Faye asked as she and Claire had found Lee ready for their promo, stood outside H's room looking rather concerned. "I heard a scream, I thought it was coming from H's room but well it sounded a little bit like a lass."
"Oh it's probably Lise, she wasn't in her room. They probably both passed out drunk." Faye guessed as she fiddled with a loose blonde curl. "But why scream?" Claire mused as Faye shrugged. "I dunno. Maybe Lise saw a spider?" Faye suggested. Lee continued knocking on the hotel door. "Tim's going to go ape if we don't get a move on guys. H open the door." He said as H let out a cough. "We're not feeling too well you know."
"Aye downing shots like they're going out of fashion will do that." Faye replied through the door as she yawned. "Come on, I don't want to listen to Tim rant at us again." She sighed as Claire bit her lip. "Faye's right, we'll all get it in the neck. You want us to come help you Lise, Faye can do your hair and stuff." She offered.

H was busy pulling on his jeans when he looked at Lisa and blinked slightly. "Wh...where did that come from?" He asked as Lisa followed his glance and shook her head in disbelief. There on her wedding finger was a slightly tacky ring. "We didn...didn't did we." She paused as H scratched his head in vain trying to remember anything.

"Lo...look at Lee, he...he can't take his her off eyes. I mean he can't take his eyes off her." H said with a chuckle as he watched Lee's brown eyes focus on their blonde bandmate who was giggling as a man handed her the die telling her he liked his odds with a pretty girl throwing the dice. "It's cute. Where's Clara?" Lisa asked as she sipped her cocktail in the Las Vegas casino, this one themed as a 20's Gatsby inspired with flapper girl croupiers and men in tops and tails. "She went to bed." H said as he winced at the bitter taste of his drink hit his throat.

"I think I'm going to head up to sleep, we're up fairly early." Lee said as ever the sensible one. Faye yawned slightly as she sipped the dregs of her own drink. "I think I'll head up too." She uttered as Lee smiled and offered his hand to help her up ignoring the smirks his other bandmates were sending his way. He knew he should never have told H about the slight crush he had towards Faye. Especially when H had clearly told his bestie within hours of been told himself.

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