Video Shoot

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Lee gazed in awe as Faye entered the video set. Last time he'd seen her she had been sporting bleached dreadlocks, now a long set of blonde extensions fell over one shoulder as she smiled slightly. "You alright Lee?" She asked looking a little concerned at his seemingly dazed expression. "Your hair, it looks nice." He commented as Lisa hid a grin as she sipped her mug of tea whilst she went over the storyboard for the video with one of the production team. "Fifi your hair looks amazing. Are you sure you're okay to be back? I did ask Tim if we could move it to next week." Claire said having finished in make up and spotting her bandmate. Faye had been off with a bout of flu and it had been slightly weird without her. They were so used to been the five of them constantly. "I'm okay, I mean I don't exactly have to do much for my solo bit, the dancing may be problematic I suppose." Faye said as she sneezed slightly. "I'm alright promise." She said as Claire looked at her with concern.

"We look awful. Who passed these costumes?" Claire asked as she huffed slightly in her blue outfit. "Erm we did, that meeting before Christmas." H ventured as he and Lisa were engaged in a game of scissor, paper, stone for who was buying dinner later. "Did we?" Claire said scrunching up her nose. "Well it was in the runup to Christmas how can I have been expected to pay attention really!" She pouted as Lee chuckled. "True, we should have known not to ask you to make decisions when it's shopping season!" Lee teased as Claire sighed. "Right you five are we ready to make a start?" Tim asked as he came over to the group. "Yeah sorry, we finishing up early?" Lee asked as Tim shrugged. "Depends how we get on."

Lisa and Claire had gone off for a magazine interview whilst Faye was filming her section, the boys larking around in the background. Unlike Tragedy or One For Sorrow this video seemed to have no plot whatsoever. H had dubbed it 'Us fellas messing about whilst the girls pout to the camera.' and the line seemed to fit. For some reason he and Lee had been told to simply mess around throughout the set, sure ideas had been suggested and props such as water guns left around but for the most part the director had given them leave to do as they wished. "You okay Lee, you look a little in a trance? You missed our smiley bandmate?" H teased as Faye stood taking some promo photos, her blonde extensions styled into a high ponytail. "Shut up!" Lee hissed scared said bandmate might overhear. She had a boyfriend, and seemed happy in her relationship. Lee had accidentally revealed the slight crush he had on Faye back in the early days when he Lisa and H had shared a small flat in an attempt to save money from their initial small pay in the band.

Faye lay on the platform bed and felt as if she could quite happily fall asleep, she had probably returned to work a little sooner than she should but she had been bored at home not to mention she felt as though she was holding everything up. "...Faye sweetheart, can you perch yourself up with your elbow more for the camera." The director shouted as she jerked her head up slightly seemingly having half drifted off. "Sorry." She uttered doing as asked. The blue satiny outfit was doing little to help her feel comfortable and she found herself wandering if she herself had been paying much attention when the concept and costumes were suggested. "Boys now next scene we want you to move Faye's platform." The director explained as Faye sighed slightly uncomfortable on the wooden bed platform. "Wha...what's that nois...." H began but trailed off as the wall behind Faye seemed to in a split second tumble onto the singer and she let out a scream. "Faye!" Lee yelled running to her before he even thought about it. H turned hearing a clatter and Lisa and Claire ran through. "Wh...what happened?" Lisa said as Claire held a hand to her gaping jaw. "It fell th...the glass fell on her." H uttered seemingly in shock. "What!" Claire said as she turned to the crew. "Someone ring an ambulance then! She...she's bound to be hurt. Poor Faye."

Lee gently removed the glass bricks from Faye, she was still and his heart stalled momentarily but he realised she was knocked out as opposed to anything worse. "Fuf, Faye sweetie." He said tenderly as he found himself willing her to open those sapphire blue eyes. He knew it was superficial but he was glad none of the glass shards seemed to have marked her face. "Mate, move we'll check her over." A medic said as Lee held Faye's hand in his and seemed reluctant to move away. "I can stay with her can't I?" He asked as he found a hand gently placed on his shoulder. "Lee, let them help her." Claire said gently knowing how much Lee adored Faye. She hadn't ever been told but it was easy enough to pick up on. The little looks Lee sent his bandmates way, the way he lit up when she was about. He was too honourable to do anything about it though. No the only way he'd ever tell Faye about his feelings would be if she and Jesper had split up.

"Shouldn't someone go with her?" H ventured as the medics had moved Faye to a gurney and were going to take her to the local hospital. The fact a glass block had likely smacked her head causing her to lose consciousness made them somewhat concerned. "We can do the other parts for you lot." Tim stated only to be met with a cry of disapproval from all 4. "I'm sorry if you think I'm filming any more footage today you have another thing coming." Lisa said already grabbing her bag. "I'm going to get changed and then I'm ringing Jes and going to the hospital.""Me too." Claire said as she looked worriedly at Lee who looked as though he had lost a lot of colour having seen the accident. "Lee, she'll be okay. They just want to check her over." She said gently.

Claire paced the hospital waiting room they had been ushered into, a nurse arguing that it would likely cause problems if they simply sat waiting in a corridor or larger waiting area. "She's going to be fine, she's a tough thing really." H said as Lisa was tapping her nails in frustration on the chair arm. "It's been ages though. She should be awake by now, what if..""Don't Lise, don't start thinking the worst." H reasoned, for once he had no desire to lighten the mood with jokes. "Well it's true, it's been almost two hours since we got here and they've told us nothing.""No news is good news I suppose." Claire said meekly regretting it as Lee looked at her with a stormy expression. "Which idiot came up with a glass wall concept? I mean seriously!" He said in a low voice. "I swear if she isn't okay the...then..." He trailed off as Lisa scooted over and put an arm round his shoulders. "Why won't you tell her? Why keep all this bottled up?" She asked as Lee shook his head. "And what good would that do? She's happy an...and I want that for her. I's difficult sometimes." He said truthfully quietening as a middle-aged doctor entered the room. "I understand you're here for Miss Tozer?"
"Is she okay?" Lisa asked. The doctor smiled and nodded. "Nursing a sore head, a slightly sore back and shoulders and well lets just say I don't think I've ever seen a group of young doctors quite so keen to pull out glass shards from a patient." He chuckled as Claire giggled slightly. Typical Faye managing to get the admirers even when in a slightly undignified state. "She's ready for visitors if you want to see her. Though only 2 at a time." He said as Claire looked at Lee. "You go, you and Lise. I'll babysit the mad one." She said as H poked his tongue out at her, now knowing that Faye was fine allowed him to revert to his usual daft behaviour. 

A partner piece to Ticked Off as requested talking about Lee's panic over his bandmate. Based on a RL situation where Faye had the glass wall fall on her whilst shooting the video for Better Best Forgotten. Poor woman had glass splinters in her back and bum! 

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