Ragged dresses, rehearsals and the boy next door.

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"Lisa stay still." Claire argued as she knelt on the floor pinning up the dropped hem of her eldest sister's skirt. "I can't believe that little brat you governess for ripped your skirt Lisa." Faye said as she looked up from where she was concentrating on her sketches. Faye was the family artist and it was her biggest complaint in the world that she had to help out their cantankerous elderly Aunt in order to get any money to help the family, she had a longing to go to Europe and study art but knew it was but a pipe dream. "Don't say brat Faye, it's awfully crude." Claire said as she turned to her sister with a raised brow. Faye sighed but muttered an apology. Ian their brother lay idly on the couch, his leg rested. He had been working on the railroads but sent home with injury to his leg. As the sole male in the house since their father was serving with the military in the civil war he felt bad that he was at present unable to contribute to help with the costs of a house hold.

"You know there's a man living across the road now." He said as his sisters looked at him. "Well we know that. Old Mr Evans is as cantankerous as our aunt, hey perhaps we should matchmake and they can complain to one another about everything and everyone." Faye said her blue eyes sparkling mischievously. "Faye." Lisa said shaking her head at her younger albeit taller sister. She and Faye were what were termed Irish twins, born a year apart. Faye arriving just a week after Lisa's first birthday. They were complete opposites however, Lisa brunette and petite in height, her hair fairly straight and with green eyes whilst Faye was tall and sported golden curls currently tied in a loose braid. In fairness Ian and Claire were also fair-haired too. Lisa taking after their mother whilst the rest of the family seemed to be like their father. "Anyway smarty pants, I didn't mean the old man, there's a younger man there now, possibly Lisa's age. Maybe a little older." Ian said as Lisa smiled slightly. She was of an age where balls were an event to be looked forward to and planned though the family's social standing had fallen in recent years. She and Faye could remember the nicer things in life that they had enjoyed before their father had lost their fortunes. "Oh a young man perhaps there shall be parties and soirees." She suggested as Claire looked wildly afraid of the mere thought. "Oh silly goose, as if you'll be invited." Faye teased as she knew her younger sister was terribly shy.
"I'm not sure you're the best party guest either." Lisa said shortly as she recalled their last venture to a ball, Faye had seemingly insulted the hostess and managed to trip over her own dress. "Like I want to attend some snooty party. I'd much rather be home or at the theatre perhaps." Faye admitted.

"Lee, I do not believe your studies involved you staring out of the window." His tutor Mr Shentell said shortly. Lee rolled his eyes, it was frankly quite insulting to have a tutor who appeared to be only a few years older than himself. "But I am studying." Lee argued as Mr Shentell looked at him oddly. "I'm studying human behaviour, there's a family next door and well it's interesting." Lee said as he gasped as the blonde haired girl opposite closed the window and seemed to have spotted him waving across.
"Faye what are you doing!" Lisa said embarrassed at her sister's behaviour. "What, I was been friendly. I can hardly waltz across the lane and invite myself in can I! But surely a simple wave is hardly going to set tongues wagging is it." Faye argued as Lisa shook her head slightly. She adored Faye but at times her sister simply abandoned any decorum she had. "Oh Faye I know you meant well but honestly..""I think it's kind, we're lucky we have one another, by all accounts he seems to have only old Mr Evans and a tutor." Claire mused as Ian smiled at his younger sister. "You know it would be nice to have another guy around, least he could be the other male parts in Lisa's and Faye's plays." He muttered as Claire smiled softly. "We should do another soon, for Christmas. Mama would enjoy it." She said as she looked down slightly to the floor. "Besides I'm not sure there will be much money to buy presents." She ventured as Faye chewed her lip. "We'll have presents Clara. I don't how but we'll have presents." She said keen to ensure her younger sister didn't loose out. Claire was only just 13 and still seemed so little in comparison to the rest of them. She herself was almost 17, Lisa 17 almost 18 and Ian was 15.

"If I finish up this maths is that it for the day?" Lee asked keen to leave the stuffiness of the library where he had a small desk and chair set for his lessons. "Well your grandfather has asked you complete an hour of piano." Johnny said as he sensed his words were been wilfully ignored by his student. "You know I'm not sure your grandfather will be overly pleased with you making friends without his say so.""If he has say so then they won't be my friends they'll be carefully selected acquaintances. Besides they look friendly and far more fun than any of the people I have met since arriving here." Lee said defiantly.
Lisa ran to answer the door laughing with mirth in her costume, a get up of a gypsy fortune teller, a headscarf wrapped round her dark hair, costume jewels draped over her neck as they had been practising a scene from one of Faye's short stories. Opening the door she blushed and looked down. It was hardly becoming to be almost 18 and prancing around in old gowns and such. "I'm sorry we weren't expecting guests." She stammered as Ian ignored his sister's clear embarrassment and beckoned their guest in. "We're rehearsing a play. We're in need of a valiant prince though, I'm not good enough for our fair princess." He teased as Claire looked away shyly, clad in one of the discoloured old party dresses of her elder sister, a tiara made of an old necklace perched on her blonde hair. "We should put this nonsense away." Lisa said rushed as Faye looked aghast. "But we're just getting to the good part." She mused in her own get up, a old shirt of Ian's matched with a old pair of trousers and breeches, a eyepatch over one eye, blonde curls hung over one shoulder. "Faye, you need get changed, you can't be stood in trousers when we have a male caller." Lisa hissed as Faye snorted slightly. "It's a play Lisa, I'm fairly sure our guest, sorry we don't know your name." Faye commented. "I'm Lee." "I'm fairly sure Lee doesn't mind me wearing this costume, given it is for our play. Though I must admit I far prefer this to a crinoline dress." Faye said as she raked her hand through her hair. "Here Lee, why don't you put on the prince's crown and his lines are on the parchment Ian's holding." Faye said excitedly as she seemed to ignore her sister's protests at how it was unbecoming for them to be acting when they had such an esteemed caller.

"Be gone foul villain!" Lee said brandishing a fake sword made from the handle of the broom as he warded off Faye's pirate captain. "Do not weep fair princess, you shall come to no harm." Lee said softly as Claire took his offered hand, her own hands shaking slightly as she gaped slightly. She was only 13 and Lee was the first boy she had met properly who wasn't her brother or cousin. Painfully shy she tended to stay at home if possible. "Claire come on, the princess is meant to be in love with the prince, not scared of him." Ian chuckled at his sister who glowered at him. "Leave her." Faye said as she elbowed her brother slightly. "It's fine." Lee said as he took a bow as Ian, Faye and Lisa clapped. Claire muttered something and scurried off to the kitchen. "Is she alright?" He asked as Ian sighed. "She gets shy around new people, please don't worry." He said as Lee nodded. "You were pretty impressive acting, so you fancy a part in our Christmas show?" Faye asked as Lisa shook her head. "Faye!""What?"

"I'd be honoured if you'll have me. What's the play?""Well I rather wanted to do an abridged Shakespeare play, I rather fancy myself as Juliet." Lisa said as Ian chuckled. "You would.""What's that meant to mean!" Lisa argued as Faye shook her head. "Lisa, Lisa arguing in front of a guest, hardly ladylike is it." Faye said as her sister frowned slightly. "Says you wearing a pair of trousers. What mother would say!" Lisa said as Faye feigned a yawn knowing Lisa was about to go off on a tirade.

"Listen grandfather is hosting a ball for my arrival in town. You all will come won't you. I don't know many people and well apart from you I don't much like the people I have met." Lee said as Lisa beamed at the idea of an invite. "A ball, with lots of people?" Claire said softly, clearly terrified. "You'd be with us Clara, though if you don't wish to attend I'm sure Lee shouldn't mind." Faye said gently as she wrapped her arms round her younger sister's shoulder's kissing the top of her soft hair in a nurturing way. "Indeed. I should not want any of you to feel awkward." Lee said as Claire nodded seemingly a little more relaxed.
"I'll come, though Lisa says I am somewhat clumsy when waltzing. I don't think she's quite right about that though." Faye said as Ian laughed. "Somewhat clumsy, you almost took out Edward Smith last time you danced at a party. The poor man looked green to the gills after one dance with you." He teased as Faye pouted. "Sir, I'm not sure we can attend." Lisa said softly with disappointment. "Why ever not?" Lee asked. Ian too echoing his words. "Our dresses, they are old an...and well we could hardly be seen in your company in them." Lisa said softly. "We shall look like ragamuffins or urchins next to the grand silks and satins of the other ladies." She said softly and almost ashamed of her status. "Well we...we could sell my dress, and my easel. You at least might have enough to have a better dress made." Faye said gently sitting beside her elder sister. She would like to attend the ball but it was clear it would matter much more to her elder sister who missed their old life achingly so at times. "No Faye, no it's okay I can wear my dress and you shall wear yours. I'd rather have you by my side than a dozen silk dresses." Lisa said as she kissed her sister's cheek. 

Tabitha asked for a sort of homage to Little Women, admittedly H is a brother in the vain hopes Louisa May Alcott's estate won't sue me. Lisa is definitely a Meg character, Faye is a Jo-Amy hybrid in her love of art but also drama. Claire is definitely the Beth and well H is an anomaly though I suppose if anything he is an Amy type regards goading his sisters somewhat. I really loved writing this one-shot too. Adore Little Women, the book and the film though I'll be honest Winona Ryder in the 1994 version will always be my ultimate Jo March. 

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