Gingerbread Men and Nativity Plays

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In which the Steps members are all aged 6 or 7 years old and in the same Infant School Class. Baby stepsters are just too cute to imagine. 

"Miss, Ian is been mean, he chopped my gingerbread man's arm off and ate it!" Claire whined slightly as Miss Wilson sighed slightly and gazed at Ian Watkins who stood chewing his lower lip trying to look innocent, the tell-tale sign of edible glitter icing the tell-tale sign that Claire was telling the truth. "Ian hand Claire one of your gingerbread men since you have eaten some of hers."
"He has a broken arm that's all." Ian mused though begrudgingly pushed one of his undecorated gingerbread people across to the blonde who wrinkled her nose slightly at the burnt edges, her own gingerbread men seemingly baked to perfection. 

"Do you think they'll Iet me and Lisa be Mary. We both want to be Mary." Faye said as she gave her own gingerbread man a skeleton design, Lee scrunching his nose slightly. "Isn't that more Halloween than Christmas?" Lee asked as he decorated his own gingerbread man with a royal Blue football strip in homage to his favourite football team. "So, I like Halloween." Faye mused as she flipped her blonde curls over her shoulder. "But it's not Halloween now."
"It doesn't matter. Anyway if I'm Mary can you be Joseph? I don't think I would mind been married to you." Faye said as Lee pulled a slight face. Lisa meanwhile was humming along to the Christmas songs the teacher had put on the radio and tapping her feet happily already imagining how nice she'd look in the blue costume the teacher had for Mary. 

"Okay class we're going to go through the cast now and then down to the assembly hall to start our rehersals." The teacher said as she noted the excited looks on several of the classes faces. "Once we get there I will give you the costumes and we'll run through the story. Only one person will have a lot of lines to say." She said as she looked at the children sat cross-legged on the carpet. 

"I don't want to be the narrator!" Claire whimpered tearfully as the teacher sighed shaking her head as Johnny and Ian had decided to use their shepherds crooks as lightsabres and were running round fighting with them. Ian loudly humming the Imperial March as he did so. Faye was pouting slightly as she put on the Angel costume, the teacher having stated that Mary probably had dark hair but that the Angels would definitely have had long curly blonde hair. Her pout had lessened somewhat as she put on the wings for the costume. Lee meanwhile was sat chewing his nails as he had been cast as Herod. "Are you alright?" Faye ventured finally as Lee shook his head. "I don't want to be the baddie. I'm not bad." He said in a soft voice as the blonde sat down by him on the wooden bench and squeezed his hand tightly. "You could make him less bad, have him throw sweets and things like in the pantomime. People would like him more then." She ventured not yet understanding the concept of playing a bad guy. "Will you still be my friend if I am a baddie?" Lee asked as Faye nodded. "Yep, because I know you're not really bad even if Miss made you be a baddie." She said as Miss Darcy the teaching assistant called her over to go through her lines. 

" the....the peo.." Claire sniffed as she read her lines. She was a proficient reader but sadly extremely shy and the prospect of reading aloud to a audience of their parents was too much for her to take. "Maybe we should reconsider who's the next best reader?" Mr Waterman the music teacher asked as he sensed the rehearsals would go on forever if the narrator had to keep stopping because of her tears. "Lee. Though I'm then missing King Herod."
"What about Ian? He seems too loud to be simply a shepherd. I suspect he'd quite enjoy the limelight even as a baddie." Miss Darcy said knowing Lee would manage reading fine. If anything giving Ian Watkins something to get his teeth into would lessen the likelihood of him causing disruption to everyone else. The boy was not an issue but seemed far too easily bored and this led to mischief. "Ian, I have a new role for you pet." Miss Wilson said as Ian bound over to his teacher, his headdress already askew following his Lightsabre Escapades. 

"Well that went well overall." Miss Wilson said exhausted as the final parents left. Mr Waterman nodded as he finished off a home-baked mince pie. "Not sure Herod was meant to be as comedic as Ian made him." He mused as Miss Darcy smiled wistfully.
"He made the role his own it has to be said. Claire seems so much happier with Faye as an Angel and they sang beautifully together." She said, the slight mascara evident of how moved she'd been. "Lisa loved been Mary didn't she."
"Aye though the adlibs were interesting. Not sure there were Travelodge's around in the Biblical times." Mr Waterman said with a chuckle as he sipped his tea.

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