Kids In America

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Kids In America - Set when they went on tour with Britney as her support act in the USA. Thanks to Tabitha for the plot-bunny. Hope this is okay. 

"Right we'll run through the set this morning and then you can have this afternoon off to enjoy the theme parks." Tim said as Claire's smile widened somewhat.
"An afternoon off what's one of those." Lee joked as Lisa giggled at his comment. It was somewhat true ever since their plane had landed a fortnight ago it had been a whirlwind of rehearsals, PA's and even recording a music video. They were in Florida basking in the sunshine apart from H who had burnt within days of arrival Claire chiding him that he should have brought a higher factor sunblock. "Can we loose the minders for a bit?" Faye asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes. She rather hated it at times been followed around by a bodyguard, not to mention she always felt it made people pay more attention than anything else. At least in the UK they generally knew the people minding them, over here it was guys Britney's management had hired as part of the tour and "Not a chance." Tim said as Faye pouted slightly at the answer. Claire put her arm round Faye's shoulders. "Hey it's okay Fuf, we can still get on the rides and things." She ventured as Faye smiled adjusting her sunglasses. 
"Yeah and they can stand and hold our glasses and hats and bags." H mused as one of the minders snarled at him almost and H hid behind Lee. 

"Uh uh no way." Claire said as Faye hauled them to an imposing fake tower. Faye sighed slightly as Claire remained shaking her head. "You guys can go on it, there's a Beauty and The Beast Show next to it I'll go sit and watch that." Claire said as her minder looked somewhat pleased she hadn't wanted to go on. He was rather fearful of heights. Lisa bit her lip slightly as she could hear the sounds of screaming from the ride. "I aren't sure about this one either Faye. I mean listen."
"That's the point to get scared. Please Lisa?"
"The guys will go on with you right." Lisa said as H reluctantly nodded. He wasn't sure about this one either but he was loathe to let Lee or Faye tease him about whimping out. Not to mention he rather wanted to see whether the slight undertone of flirting between the pair that he himself had only noticed on the coach a few days ago was a thing. Lee had been incessantly jealous of one of the minders who seemed to have taken quite a fancy to their bubbly bandmate. Lisa and Claire stated that they always had thought Lee had a slight thing for Faye but it was only now she was single he felt he could truly lower his guard around her. 

"Those three are mad going on that. It looks horrific." Lisa said as Claire nodded he gaze falling to her pager. Tom their manager had been adamant he would be able to contact them regardless of them supposedly having free time. "Tim says we have to have a photo shoot in a bit, by the castle. So much for free time to do what we want. Oh and we have to go look through the shops, I saw the most gorgeous Mickey bracelet I wanna get my sister." Claire said as Lisa nodded. "We should wait for Faye though, go shopping without her and we'll never hear the end of it."

H looked pasty as they left the ride, Lee and Faye giggling as they waited for a print of the on-ride photo. "Why are you buying that, I look awful." H said as he had rather regretted his choice to go on the ride with them. Faye had squealed excitedly and Lee had held her hand in his. H had managed to catch a glimpse of that interaction before the ride dropped again. "You are a fruit loop Faye enjoying this kind of thing."
"What it's just a ride. You're fine on Britney's plane. That's gotta be worse right." Faye said as Lee gave her a warning look. The topic of H travelling on Britney's plane was a source of contention between them all and he didn't want it been dragged up again." 

"..tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme. Bittersweet and strange finding you can change, learning you were wrong." Lisa smiled as she could hear Claire singing along softly to the actresses. Claire loved singing, and though she had to admit it sometimes annoyed her how Claire seemed to be pushed to the front by management the girl had a good set of pipes on her. "We should watch this again with Fuf, she'll love it. It's crazy she loves rock music but also is so girly with it. She'd love the costumes." Lisa mused as Claire nodded knowing their bandmate was a fashionista and would likely adore the chance to see the production. 

Lunchtime led to a heated debate over where to go Claire and H loudly advocating a trip to MacDonald's. "But we have them in the UK."
"Yeah but it's a USA like invention. We have to have authentic American MacDonald's." H said as Lisa shook her head knowing better than to argue with his logic. "Come on then, you reckon they taste the same?" Faye asked as Claire shrugged.
"I dunno, what I do know is I'm starving."

"Can we go on Splash Mountain." Lee asked as he sipped his ice cold diet coke.
"Only if you all go on the teacups too." Claire said as she looked on the map. "Plus we have to get to Cinderella's Castle for 4.30. Tim says we have to go sort out the clothing?"
"Why does that not fill me with delight?" H commented as Claire chuckled slightly. Lisa took lead and headed to the Splash Mountain entrance. 

"How did I end up soaked?" H whined as Lisa giggled at the fact he had been soaked on his side whilst she was relatively dry. "Serves you right for irritating everyone on the ride up to the drop." Claire commented as she had been in the vehicle behind him with Lee, Faye and one of the minders. "I was singing!"
"Really is that what that noise was." Faye said with a grin as she twirled a long blonde curl around her finger. "Come on we'll go do Clara's teacups. Hey H spin around enough you'll dry out." She giggled as H flicked his hand at her sprinkling her with water and making her shriek. 

"Tim, what exactly is this shoot for?" Lisa asked as she pulled a face slightly at the outfit laid out for her. "For Smash Hits and Disney. I would have asked you which characters you wanted but I didn't know how well you'd take the news. Anyway Lisa, you'll be a lovely Snow White."
"I'd rather have been The Little Mermaid." Lisa commented as she couldn't stay annoyed when she saw H. "Hello Buzz." She laughed as H didn't care she found his outfit funny and simply started making Buzz Lightyear Catchphrases in an atrocious American Accent.

"Aww Faye, you look way too perfect as Sleeping Beauty." Claire said as Faye spun slightly in the pink gown, her blonde curls tumbling down her back as she looked every inch the perfect Disney Princess. "What do you think Lee?" Claire asked teasingly as she watched Lee's brown eyes fall on his bandmate. "She looks amazing, but when doesn't she." He said with a cheeky wink. 

"Okay and let's have all 3 princesses on the steps." The photographer ordered as Lisa sighed getting up from where she'd been sat. She paused momentarily when she spotted Lee and Faye finishing their photo, A photo of them dressed as Aurora and Philip about to waltz at the end of the film. "I swear if they aren't together by the end of the tour we're doing something wrong." Claire mused as she headed to the stairway. Lee passed them getting out of frame and going to speak to H who was chatting to one of the Disney staff members and teaching them the Tragedy dance moves, clad in his Buzz get-up.

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