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Lee sighed as a slightly tipsy Claire almost spilt the tepid cup of coffee she was holding ion a flimsy polystyrene cup. He'd asked about an hour ago what was happening regards the others but had failed to get much information to the police officer who was manning the desk. They'd all been out clubbing, a much needed night off as they had a few days break in their tour. Subsequently they were out celebrating one of the Dancer's birthdays. Jason had requested a 80's theme dress up and that was why at 3:24am Lee was sat in a uncomfortable chair clad in a outfit that was inspired by Tom Cruise in Top Gear whilst Claire was sporting a white mini dress and lacy gloves, ribbon in her back combed hair in a homage to Madonna. "Lee, where are they?" Claire whined slightly as Lee shrugged.
"Your guess is as good as mine right now. I still can't believe Lisa swung for that lass!" He said as he shook his head. 

He looked up as the metal barred door swung open and his bandmate was led out looking seemingly apologetic. Her cheeks were tearstained and though momentarily he wanted to shout at her she looked so delicate he couldn't bring himself to. Faye had themed her outfit with some of the dancers and had gone as Heather McNamara the sweetest of the Heather clique, the costume allowing her fondness of the colour Yellow to come to the fore. Her blonde hair was messy and the yellow scrunchie had slipped down from the high ponytail to hang limp over one shoulder. "This one is a little drunk that's all. She did however attempt to stop an arrest. Not to mention one of my staff was almost manhandled." The sergeant stated as Faye looked down slightly embarrassed. "I thought he was a stripper. Way too fit to be a copper." She uttered as she scampered to Lee's side. "Wh..where is Lise an..and H." She asked with a yawn leaning her head against Lee. "Still been interviewed I think." Claire said softly as she offered the coffee to Faye who shook her head. "My head hurts." Faye said as Lee rolled his eyes slightly. 
"You did bang it pretty hard when you fell over. Seriously what made you dance on the table!"
"Did I?" Faye uttered. 

Lisa pouted as the female officer was interrogating her. "Miss Scott-Lee, you understand what happened in Mikado Nightclub this evening is a criminal matter." She said sternly as Lisa winced as she bit her swollen lip. She'd been having a lovely night out with everyone, her dressed as Baby from Dirty Dancing with Johnny sporting the matching costume of the character Johnny. Then some skank had decided that she quite liked the look of Johnny and had persisted in trying to get his attention. Lisa had enough after about an hour of this and with the amount of alcohol she had drunk decided to say something. This had escalated into a full scale argument, both women loudly slagging one another off and then next thing there were slaps and punches been thrown. Hair been grabbed and an array of people trying to split them up. "You best have arrested the bitch who was after my fella!" Lisa said loudly as she rubbed her mouth, the woman had got a decent punch to her and it could do with a frozen bag of peas on it. Somehow she sensed Tim would not be impressed when they rocked up to the next tour date Lisa sporting various shades of purple and blue on her face. Make up would have a hell of a job to do to cover it. 

H was humming happily to himself in the solitary cell as a police officer stood at the door seemingly bemused. "Why are you happy mate? And can you stop humming, especially that!" He seethed as H hummed the bars of Tragedy loudly.
"You want me to be miserable, if I'm honest I'm kind of glad for the bed, trying to keep up with Lise and Faye is hard." H mused as the police officer furrowed his brow. "What am I here for anyway?"
"Apart from irritating the hell out of anyone over the age of 12?" A rather bitchy police officer commented as H gaped. "Rude!"
"You were trying to stop an arrest and were actively trying to prevent my officer's in their duties." The sergeant commented.
"Lise shouldn't have been arrested. It was a fair fight, that other lass got her punches in too." H commented as the police officer sighed.
"You're free to go now, we were stopping a breach of the peace but whilst your music is questionable and fashion sense is highly concerning it's not exactly illegal. Your friends are waiting in the front." The older man said with a slight wry smile. "Erm before you go though any chance of an autograph, my granddaughter's a fan." He said as H chuckled. 

"I'm bored." H said an hour later as he sat swinging his legs. Lee frowned slightly as he looked at his watch, it was almost 5am and he suspected there was not a chance in hell they would be able to now head back to the hotel without Tim finding out what had happened. "H maybe you and the girls should head back, least that way some of us are there. Tim's going to lose his mind if he finds us all gone." Lee stated as Claire's green eyes flickered up. 
"No way are you leaving us to all get it in the neck. No, we're staying here until Lise is out. Anyway at 6.30 the Maccy's across the road will open and we can get breakfast." She said in a slightly chirpier manner. Faye had fallen asleep over a row of the chairs and Lee had carefully laid his bomber jacket over her, his brown eyes glaring at any of the younger police men who had dared look over to the slumbering woman with lustful eyes. 

"So what's happening are you charging her?" Johnny asked as he had been in the police car with Lisa as he had been the only one able to seemingly get her to listen to the police. "Well we're waiting for CCTV footage from the bar, we have 2 conflicting stories, both women saying the other was the first to resort to physical violence." The police woman said rather shortly. She had little time for idiotic drunken fights. "She went for me first the scrawny cow." Lisa said as she sipped a glass of water.
"Lise!" Johnny said warningly sensing she was treading on thin ice. 
"We're not going to lock you away Miss, however we will need to take your details in case we need to get in touch regards potential charges. What's your current address?"
"Well right now it's room 423 of the Raddison Birmingham." Lisa said. "Thought in a days time it'll be the Hilton in Manchester, then we're up in Glasgow." She expressed as the police woman looked at her irritatedly. "I'm on tour, I can't help it." Lisa said.
"Why don't you have my mobile number, it's easier to get hold of me as opposed to Lise, given the media appearances and things." Johnny said worrying Lisa would talk herself into further charges for not cooperating. 

"You know you hurt my wrist with those cuffs." Lisa mused as she headed to reception and was somewhat in awe the rest of them had stayed. Admittedly Faye was sound asleep and H and Claire were busy eating Egg Mcmuffins in their wrappers. "Finally, right I'll call us a taxi and we'll head back." Lee said as he switched his phone on. "You reckon we can get back before Tim realises we're missing?" H mused as Lee shook his head slightly.
"25 missed calls and 15 messages suggests he already knows." He mused as Claire looked down at her own mobile which showed similar amount of missed calls.

If I'm honest this fic is partly due to the need for me to have them in dress up. I hope anyone reading enjoys it, can legit imagine Tom's head exploding when he finds out his band are all in the local police station after a night out. 

I wasn't sure what H could be, I was thinking Wham get up with the white T-shirt with Choose Life on it and the white trousers, or Ghostbusters. Lee had to be Top Gun, Lisa was definitely Baby from Dirty Dancing. Claire I did initially struggle with a costume but I think she'd quite like the girly style of 80's Madonna, lace and ribbons. Faye's was always going to be Heather McNamara, Heather is one of my favourite films and Heather M is my favourite of the clique simply because deep down she's redeemable. Sure she has mean streaks but a lot of it is from her insecurities and she's scared of been outcast by the people she sees as friends. Plus the fact her colour is Yellow just made it needed for Faye to be her. Was at one point going to have all 3 girls be Heather's but I liked the ideas for the other outfits too. If you haven't seen the film pretty sure you can catch it on YouTube somewhere. Think a much darker Mean Girls and you're on the right track. 

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