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"Wh...what time is it?" Lisa asked as they finally got off the plane. H shrugged and glanced momentarily at his watch. "Erm 21:45." He muttered as Lee shook his head.
"You didn't change it mate, we're in Japan now it's 9 hours ahead which makes it almost 7am." Lee said as he followed the manager to the baggage claims area and tried to spot their luggage bags. "Mine!" Faye enthused as she spotted her case, she'd upgraded and now had a designer set of cases though still in a yellow shade, though a slightly softer lemon tone. "I'll say this for her, she never has to check the cases for which ones are hers." Claire said as she yawned slightly. She silently cursed Tim for the flight time as it was going to play havoc with them all. He'd hesitated to inform them that they would be appearing on a chat show in the early evening and as such wouldn't be able to have a proper rest. 

"There's a vending machine in the lobby that sells make up it's madness." Lisa said as she lolled on the bed in Claire's room whilst Claire was sat doing her hair and Faye was curled up on the small couch devouring the latest copy of Cosmopolitan. "I wish we didn't have to go to do TV. I look awful." She mused as Claire scoffed slightly.
"Shut up, least you got some sleep on the plane. I was sat next to H and he fidgeted through the entire flight." Lisa mused letting out a yawn.
"I guess I was lucky in that aspect. Clara was a lovely plane buddy." Faye said as Claire smiled at her warmly. "Hey look they've got Friends in Japanese." Lisa said as she flicked through the TV channels idly.

H was trying to learn the Japanese for his small speaking segment in the TV show. "Why do I have to talk? I think Lee would do well to talk for once." He said as Lee smirked. True H was often at the forefront in interviews but for once he was glad of the fact. He was busy texting his girlfriend and chuckling as H seemed to get steadily worse in his pronunciation. "Can't we just ask the presenter to say that the Album will be in stores on Monday?" H ventured as Tim shook his head as he ran through the itinerary with his assistant. "No , it needs you to say it and well you are usually the one been loud so makes sense for you to continue doing so." Tim mused as H huffed slightly muttering under his breath something in Welsh which Lee sensed wasn't the most complimentary towards Tim.

"Look at this Lise." Faye gasped as they entered the dressing room they were sharing and found dressing gowns for each of them folded intricately into the shape of lilies. "Oh they are so cute. Seems a shame to mess them up." Lisa said as she sat on the couch arm as Lee put on a CD and started to get himself ready. "Hey turn it up I love this." H said happily as he bounced around the room. Faye and Claire rolling their eyes slightly at his sudden burst of energy when they were running on caffeine.

The programme went well overall, H had somehow butchered the translation but it had been brushed over. Lisa letting out a loud chuckle when she discovered what H had actually stated. "It's not funny Lise." He protested as he folded his arms in the restaurant Tim had chosen to take them to following the show. "It kind of is H, you said that our bum was out next Monday." Lisa chided as Claire giggled slightly.
"Well it might get us to number one." Lee mused as Faye shook her head slightly shaking her head as she giggled. "Well I told you I shouldn't have been the one to talk." H mused as he looked at the food that was been brought over. He'd just about managed to negotiate the menu with Claire's help as he sensed Lisa might end up ordering him Octopus or something in some sort of humorous venture.

"So much for those two seeking out the lights and sounds of Tokyo." Claire mused as she nodded to Faye and Lisa who were almost asleep in the cab on the way back to the hotel. Lee smiled softly as he looked up from another text from his girlfriend. "You up for karaoke session though?" H asked, seemingly not needing sleep, a second rush of energy seeming to have hit. Claire shook her head with a smile. "I think we all could do with a sleep, even you H." She said gently as Lisa's head lolled against her shoulder. She and Faye had hit the cocktails with disregard of the fact they had been up for over 24 hours and the alcohol had quickly caught up with them. "Who fancies been the one to wake them up nice and early tomorrow morning. I did say we had a kids show to do at 8 right!" Tim said as he was met with 3 identical glares.

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