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Sorry for the delay, really struggled with Z as a letter. Have loved writing these little one shots and there's definitely a few I fancy adding more to. So likely will have an additional series of one-shots. Plus there's some ideas I never quite got to use so these will likely also be there too. As ever if there's any ideas you fancy let me know and I'll try to incorporate them as best I can. 

"You okay Faye? You're normally up for adrenaline rushes." Claire said as Faye chewed her fingernail despondently. They were in the USA and for some reason they'd had a shoot with a racing car company at the race track. Afterwards they had all been offered a chance to do a circuit, Lisa and Lee had both jumped at the chance and H had eventually agreed stating he didn't want to miss out. Claire suspected it was more to do with Lisa calling him a chicken. "I...I jus...I don't like the idea of racing cars." Faye said as she shook her head slightly. "It sounds stupid right?""No, we're all scared of stuff Faye. Come on I run like hell if H chucks seaweed at me!" Claire said as she watched Lisa strap the helmet to her chin securely. Lisa had never lost her competitive nature, growing up with 3 little brothers and no doubt she'd likely want to get the best lap time. H had done decently for someone who had recently learned to drive and was now teasing Lee that he would be last because he was 'Mr Sensible'.

"Go on Lise!" Claire said approvingly as the car shot past their part of the stand. Lisa as ever the daredevil was loving the experience. "Bet she's chatted up the guy who is in the passenger seat too." H added as he had joined Faye and Claire on the stand. He too noted the rather worried look on their bandmates face. "Faye you okay?""She doesn't like racing I don't think." Claire said in a low whisper as H didn't get a reply from the blonde.

"That was amazing!" Lisa gushed as she got out of the car, a smile on her face as she let her dark hair flow in the light wind. "Well you beat H!" Lee said as Lisa pumped her fist in jubilation.
"I knew I would. Still think I have the edge over you Latch, you drive too carefully." Lisa mused a comment on her bandmate's general driving. "That's on a public road Lise, this is different. Enjoy the next few minutes of been in first place because it's about to be ripped away." Lee said as he ignored the poked tongue directed towards him from Lisa. He cast a gaze to the other 3 who were watching from the stand, Claire and H smiling over and waving though he was rather taken aback to see Faye looking away from him.

"Faye it's okay, he's doing fine." H said gently as Faye was fidgeting anxiously she could hear the car's tyres on the tarmac, the engine roaring away and that was enough for now. Suddenly there was a slightly different noise, a skidding like sound and then a huge bang. Louds screams echoed through the air and she discovered out quickly hers was one of those screams. The car had skidded and Lee must have tried to pull out of the skid only intensifying it. He'd hit the hoarding at a fast pace. Faye had never been great at running but now she found some superhuman ability and she was heading to the car before she knew it, only to be held back by the track team. "Sweetheart no, it could be dangerous." A calm voice said as she tried to wriggle out of his firm hold but to no avail. "Bu...but..."

Lee was dazed, moved from the car carefully as the vehicle itself started to smoke. That led to slightly more hurried behaviour from the track team as Lisa had gone uncharacteristically quiet. Claire was calmer, making sure H was okay and trying to tell Tim that he should let Lee's folks know what had happened. Faye meanwhile was frenzied, half crying, half screaming for them to let her go to Lee. The others watched on in morbid fascination. They'd all seen the little signs between Lee and Faye, signs that had been there even when Faye had been with her boyfriend. "Let me." Claire said as she realised Faye was working herself into a state. "Fuf he's alright look, he's okay. Look see." She said gently as Lee was coughing slightly, a slight cut to his head. Faye blinked a wave of tears away and almost choked on her own tears. "Wh..where's a medic or...or an ambulance.""They're on the way. Faye, tell him." "What?""Do I have to spell it out? Something good needs to come out of this right?" Claire said as she gave Faye's hand a soft squeeze.

"Where do you think you're going?" Tim asked as Faye was about to head into the ambulance. "She's going with him. For one thing she's upset, she needs to know he's okay and secondly she'll be able to get answers from the healthcare people. She can talk her way out of anything, or else simply bat those lashes and go on a full charm offensive." Claire said as Tim huffed but knew Claire had a point. "Fine. Faye ring us when you know what's happening." He instructed as the blonde nodded, her blue eyes still glassy from her tears. Lisa noted with a slight smile Faye's hand was holding Lee's as he was laid on the gurney. 

"Male aged 24, involved in collision on race track, hit side hoarding at 80 kmh. Has a head trauma so needs scan asap. Heartrate 110bpm, shallow breathing and lost consciousness on route." A medic said as he brought through the gurney, Faye following on, sobbing again having been chatting to Lee then him fading into unconsciousness. She was trying to call Tim to tell him what was happening but as yet was still to get through.

"Where is he?" Lisa asked as she breezed in an hour later."They took him for a head scan, th...they haven't told me anything more." Faye said as she fiddled with the hem of her top, in some vain attempt to distract herself. "He...he was talking an...and then...""Hey shush, he'll be fine. All those work out gym sessions won't be for nothing." H said softly as he placed an arm round Faye's shoulders. "I told him, I told him if he wakes up the...then I want to see if we could be a couple. I don't care if it goes against group rules or...or if people say stuff about us. I don't even know if he's even interested bu...but I am...an...and..""Breath Faye, calm down hmm." Lisa said softly. "And as for him not been interested well, he's fancied you from the auditions. He's just too much of a gentleman to say anything when you seemed happy." She finished as she smiled softly at Faye. "If I know Lee, he'll wake up just to hold you to that promise of seeing how things work out." H said as Claire meanwhile had fetched them all something to drink.

"Which of you lovely ladies is Faye?" A nurse came into the waiting room. "He's asking for you." She said as H gently shook Faye who had drifted off during the wait. "Go on Fuf, make him realise that it isn't all bad driving into a wall. Some good stuff comes out of it too!" H said as Claire smiled softly glad their bandmate was seemingly out of the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2020 ⏰

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