Meeting the Rest of the School

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There were tons of people in the room with us now, I could see in the distance how they were sitting at a table, my mind just wandered to gambling, but I knew I needed to focus.

"H-Hi! I'm Mika.. Mika Utopia, the Ultimate Hybrid.."

This girl was about a few inches shorter then I was, and had white/grey horns coming from her head. They seemed almost like mine, but a bit shorter as well. Her hair was a completely different color then mine was, and it was a shiny white color, almost looking like freshly discovered snow. Now, I knew the part that must have made her a hybrid. She had angelic wings, that kinda remind me of eagle wings. They were white with hints of grey and blue in them. As I glanced up to her eyes, they were a strong blue color.

She had a white laced dress going up to her knees. It was short sleeved, and she had a mini almost jacket looking thing on her. It was tied up with a grey belt, and the little almost dress like jacket was grey, with white dots on it. Her tights were almost see through, but still flashed with a grey color. I did expect her shoes to be grey, but they actually weren't. They instead were an oceany blue. The shoes had a small heel, guessing off of her personality, she was kind, clumsy, and a bit stubborn.

"I'm Archer Hope, the Ultimate Water Bender."

She had almost a rude look to her, that I didn't like. She was taller than I was, but I didn't care much about it. Her arms were crossed, but she had long, wavy, light blue hair. It almost reminded me of the faded jeans that one girl was wearing. The ends of her hair were a deep, dark blue. This girl's eyes were a light green, with blue waves in them. Her outfit was a crop top, but with long sleeves. The main color was a green, like her eyes, but had a dolphin on it that was blue and dark green.

Her skirt was very short- this isn't a club but whatever. It had a blue color like the dolphin, and she didn't wear any tights. She had a backpack on, that was a mini one, and had 'Ocean Days~' written along the back of it. Cheesy if you ask me. She also wore a dolphin headband on her head. Her shoes were sneakers, green with white trimming. The last things I saw on her were her ears, and tail. Her ears and tail were a blue and white, and she had jewels on them.

Four girls stood close to one another, in a group.

"I'm Ekia Rin! THE ULTIMATE VILLAN! But in a nice way of course!"

This one was truly a mystery. Her hair was a simple brown color, waving over her shoulders. Tied up in it, was a golden crown. Full of herself, isn't she? She wore a long, golden and brown dress, almost like a bride's dress. I couldn't see her shoes, but I expected them to be a golden color and probably a heel too. Her eyes were a golden color, and they matched her golden dress, and her hair matched the outline of it. She didn't have much standing out features really, besides her tail and ears that were her hair color, so I looked at the next one.

"Name's Savior Vix, the Ultimate Alpha, nice to meet you."

This girl was about as tall as Ekia was, if not taller. She had an almost tom boyish personality. Her hair was white, with a braid that almost looked like a headband going over it. The ends of her hair were wavy, in the front of her shoulders. Her clothes consisted of a crop top, the back having lines split across it, in a 'x' design. The color of the crop top was grey tie dye, mixed with white, and light blues. She also had arm bands on, silver in color. Her pants that she wore had two pockets, and were jeans that had a wolf design on them. Her ears were all white, and her tail was blue and white. Her shoes were running sneakers, that were all blue in color with no trimming.

"I'm Mist Sharp, the Ultimate Warrior! So don't get on my bad side!"

Jeez, if her whole outfit didn't scream sharp I didn't know what did. She had a blouse on, with a short skirt too, again. Her blouse was a short sleeved grey one, with swords crossing each other on it. The skirt she had on was all black, with a red stripe going around her waist. She had longer socks on, but not really tights. They were white. She to, like Savior, had sneakers, that were black. Her hair was grey and white, long, and straight. Her ears and tail also shared these colors. She was hugging a smaller female in front of her.

"I-I'm Kayla Vix.... sister to Savior.. I'm the Ultimate Medic."

This female was quite shy, as she was close to Mist, but slowly stepped closer so we could all see her. She had long, red maroon hair, that was curled a bit at the bottom. The girl's head was covered with a small medical cap, that had a red plus sign on it, for medical things. Her outfit was a plain white dress, with a medical apron that was red like her hair, and it had a white cross on it. Her tights were all red, and had needles on them. She wore high heeled shoes, that were red and white too.

Over her shoulder, was a medical bag with that same cross design. It was like a tote bag really, with a very long strap that went over her shoulder.

Once we finished our introductions, we all found out we only had a few memories, our talents, and that we qualified for this high school. Soon, all of us were by the table, talking and communing about what we liked, what we disliked, and etc.

As I sat down though, I could feel a cold hand on my chin, raising my head up by force.

"What the f**k?!"

"Please, children are here."

"Children with GREAT EDUCATION!"

The figure I saw was a tall female, like Archer's size. She had white and black hair, pushed back into a ponytail. Along with her white and black hair, was two bear like ears on her head, one black, and one white. Her eyes kinda made me nervous, one was completely erased, and was a red lighting bolt. The other, was just a normal white one. She wore a puffed out dress, sharing the same black and white dress. Her grin was almost demonic, and her heels were very tall.

"Puhuhu~ what do we have here? Ah right, the new batch of students! Allow me to introduce myself-."

The figure took her hand off my chin, backing away so we could all see her. She held her hand in front of her, introducing herself.

"I am your very own headmaster..."


Dangarompa: Despair Party.       (with my oc's)Where stories live. Discover now