Who's the Mastermind?

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Mika and I went back to the dining hall, the others decided to look around for clues. I wanted to talk to her one on one.

"I'm not sure who the mastermind is... everyone here seems nice.. and kind.. but.. haven't you noticed Winter's attitude? She seems a bit off? Surely you'd be more upset if you saw your sister like that. But then again.. Archer's acting weird.. but I don't know if that's her normal personality..." I spoke to Mika as I grabbed up a glass and filled it to its brim with water.

"I'd say so.. they're both suspects. Though we never know, it could even be Kayla, or one of us." Mika said with a sad expression.

"I'm sure it's not us. We've gotten through this together, Mika, and I'm not letting you die." I spoke, as I handed her a glass of water.

"I'm really nervous.. I just want to get out of here at this point.. who would do such a thing like a killing game..! Where you have to kill one another and watch everyone die infront of your eyes!" Mika wailed.

Monokuma appeared again, gaining a squeal from both of us.

"The mastermind!"

Then she was gone- again.

"She's got a point... the mastermind is a sick lunatic.." I spoke after Monokuma's sudden appearance.

"I never cared for her anyways. She was always a nuisance. I need to play along until they die, and I can restart it again. Though.. I think SHE is coming soon. It's not possible right? She can't be. But either way if she is I shall deal with it. After all, it's a mastermind's duty to do so. This game has been oh so enjoyable, the ways of killing.. and the executions. Lovely I must tell you! Not like what I've had in the past. They'll all feel what I've felt! I have no remorse. Kyoko will not stand in my way!"
"But what if I do?"
Mika rubbed her temples, thinking.

"Indeed.. Club.. I'm calling you that. Maybe the reason I got the urge to call you that is because in the past that vision actually happened? I remember it now.. a bit more clearer. I think... I heard you. Your cries. And I followed them.. you were trying to.. save me.."

"I-I think I was.. because people.. were using you.. for some sort of power? And you weren't exactly treated fairly.." I stammered on my words as I began to slowly drink my water I had in my palm.

"Yeah.. but let's get back to the mastermind topic.. by analyzing everyone. Let's start with Kayla..." Mika began as I sat next to her with my hand firmly gripped around the cup.

"K-Kayla's the Ultimate Medic. She's very shy.. anxious, jumpy, and caring like a medic would be. Though.. I don't think it's her. Those tears were never ending when Mist died. If it was the mastermind, they would've just looked away with a sad expression.. so I don't think it's her."

"Hmm... yeah.. it does make sense Mika. I don't think it'd be her... no offense, but I don't think she's THAT smart to begin or start a killing game.. I don't think she could pull through with it anyways, she's way too kind and worried about other people's feelings. Well, that eliminates one person. The next two.. Archer and Winter... have similar personalities. Winter is like a mix of Archer and Kayla.. her personality is a bit misleading sometimes. She can say something but it can mean the complete opposite of what she meant. She didn't even seem to care about the first murder.."

Mika continued my sentence. "Yes.. that's very true. Maybe just because she only has love for her sister? That could be a possibility too... there's a lot of possibilities though..." She spoke with a sigh, waiting for me to continue.

"Okay... now all that's left is Archer."

"Archer's a... uhm, mysterious creature... nothing less than that, and nothing more than that..." Mika spoke, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Agreed. She's a prime suspect. Her attitude is really harsh and blunt, like a person who doesn't think before they speak. She probably doesn't, she just says what ever is on her mind and she really doesn't care if she hurts you or your feelings. Hey.. why don't we spy on them? To try to catch the mastermind?"

"Ah.. Club, is that really okay? To do that...?" Mika spoke with a worried look.

"Well if we don't want to die.. yeah." I said as I began to get my way to the doors and I opened them slowly to see where the three of them were. To our luck, they were just down the hallway. I took Mika's hand in mine and began to make my way down the hallway, sneakily as the three spilt up. I took off after Winter's direction, and Mika went after Archer.

I could see Winter walk up to- MONOKUMA?! The two didn't say anything to one another, and remained very quiet. However, they gazed at one another and continued walking their separate ways. Winter let out a little chuckle before continuing on with her path. One day until the class trial I think.

Mika then came up behind me, almost scaring me. Though, Winter was long gone by now, and I had no clue where she could've gone or where she went.

"Anything on Winter?"

"She followed Monokuma.. that's all I saw."

"Well now we have a better idea that she is the mastermind. Archer just went back to her room.."

Then, for a split second, I could see a girl glitching. She had long, purple hair, with worried eyes. Her uniform was quite neat, as she reached her hand out to us.

'TAKE MY HAND! Wait! No not yet!'

Just like that, she was then gone. What was that.. and who was she? I don't remember her being a student here or anything, is she trying to help us?


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