The First Cutting Punishment Performance

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"Puhuhu, this trial is going quite well!"

"No! I-It can't be Mist! I know her! She would never.. never do anything like that!" Kayla said, tears trickling down her face.

Mist spoke back up.

"You're all right. I'm the Ultimate Warrior Anyways.. but, you can't persuade Kayla unless you explain my actions." Mist said with a smirk.

"I-I know what went down!"


"Here's what happened! Bethany was going from her room, probably to try to get something to help defend herself. I overheard a conversation she had with Lili about doing so. Though, I wasn't the only one to overhear her. The blackened heard her too, and knew what time would be the best to kill her!"

"So, the killer gathered their weapon, which was already with them. A butterfly knife. Luckily for the killer, their victim was right next to them. When they heard Bethany open up the door to her dorm, they waited a few minutes before following her out. Truth be told, Bethany was headed to Lili's dorm, which was right near mine. Though, she never made it. As soon as she got to where Winter's dorm was, next to Lili's, she was stabbed."

"The shot to the chest killed her, but the killer wanted to take out her anger on the girl. She took the blood of the victim and wrote the word on the side where we found her. Then, she began to cut up her outfit with the knife, causing the wound to get worse! One final thing she did was write a sentence on her back before the finish."

"The only person I can think of doing that, with so much anger, is Mist Sharp!"


Mist looked at all of us in turn with a sad smile.

"I did it."

"W-Why would you do something like that Mist? I-I thought you.." Savior began before turning away.

"Mist..." Kayla murmured.

"Well, now it's time to vote! Pull down that lever until you get to vote for who you think did it!"

And so, we all pulled down the levers provided, to Mist Sharp's pixelated character. Then we hit submit.

"That's right class, the one who did the first crime, and killed Bethany Fawn, was none other than the Ultimate Warrior, Mist Sharp! It's PUNISHMENT TIME!"

"MIST NO!!" Kayla screamed, running to go hug Mist, as she was pulled back. Then, the world around us went black, and Mist was gone. So was Monokuma. Kayla's crying was heard as she held onto Mist's old podium. A crack was heard, and a big tv came infront of us.

"Cave in"

Mist was standing in a cave, with a sword in her hands, and armor on herself. More noises were heard and behind Mist were bunch of wild animals, scratching at the cage they were in. Mist had turned around to face them, her sword held in the air. Monokuma appeared, with a golden key as she unlocked the cage. The animals came out, roaring and snarling as they rushed at Mist. The girl was able to stay on her feet, swiping and dodging the animals. They began to fall beneath her feet, and more and more charged out, almost never ending. Mist began to sweat, panting as she was using up her energy trying to live. Her face was bright red, as she stumbled over a rock and fell.

A huge lion ran over her, attacking her and biting at her clothing, ripping it to shreds. Screaming was heard. Then, it was easy to see. A lion had her sword and began to run out, the other animals following. What we saw was Mist, laying down in the cave. Her clothing was torn, and blood was all over her body. She began to get up, and then, rocks started tumbling out. Mist picked up her speed she had while trying to escape for the exit. She turned to the screen for a moment, to Kayla, saying she loved her before taking off running again. She was at least 20 feet away. As she gained closer, a huge rock came from the top, landing on the girl, and she was caved in, and dead.

A lion then went to the pole outside of the cave, hanging up Mist's sword, which was covered in her blood.


Kayla started crying again, and screamed as Mist died.

"MIST MIST!! MIST!!" She screamed, before falling to her knees. Savior held her up and hugged her tightly as she wept into her arms. The rest of us were silent, and Mika seemed to pray for Kayla and Mist. Kayla was still crying, and Monokuma appeared back in her throne, swishing around the key in her hand. The key had blood all over it, and Monokuma's dress was also covered in the liquid. She excused herself and teleported before coming back with a cleaner one.

"Well, nothing great to start off this then a good old execution! Those animals really wanted revenge for Bethany, didn't they? Puhuhu, of course they did! Now, the trial is over, you all may go back to your rooms!"

Monokuma disappeared again, and we all began to walk away with sad looks on our faces. Kayla's soft crying could still be heard as we all went to exit through the double doors of the party/gym room. We were all a little shaken up after what we just saw. Now, out of all of us, only 8 remained. Bethany Fawn, stabbed through the chest, and Mist Sharp, run over by animals and crushed by boulders.

Mika held onto my hand as we began to leave the room. We never wanted to go back into there again, but something inside of me told me we would have to go back in there, whether we liked it or not. I sighed, clutching hard onto Mika's hand as we exited. I could see Savior hold onto Kayla as they went down the hallway to another room.

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