Monokuma's Killing Game Annoucement

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"Y-You look the same age as us though... and like a bear..." Kayla murmured.

Monokuma didn't seem to like that very much as she grumbled something before facing back up to Kayla.

"I'm NOT a bear, or teddy bear. I am Monokuma!"

"Alright. What now? Why don't we remember anything, huh?!" Mist questioned.

"That's no way to talk to your headmaster, now you're probably wondering why you're gathered here.. and it's simple!"

As Monokuma paused, everyone glared and whispered things at one another. Monokuma glared back up at us, with the excitement of a child.

"You all will be participating in a KILLING GAME!"

Pretty sure everyone had the same look I did, shocked, and confused. We all looked at Monokuma before saying we didn't understand.

"Well, a murder frenzy! Someone will kill a fellow class mate, and we will have trials for that! In trails, you must find out who the murderer or the blackened is! If you guess right, the blackened dies! If your guess is wrong, the blackened lives and you all die!"

"WHAT?!" We all proclaimed at once, the room seeming to shake.

"Well you all heard me, correct? Plus it's the only way you can leave."

Only way we can leave.. eh? I'm not killing anyone, I'm not doing it, and I don't care if I myself die while doing it.

"Go back to your dorms and get some sleep, students, you have a busy day tomorrow!"

With that, Monokuma was gone from our sight as we all dashed back to our dorms.

I looked around my room. The walls were painted a deep, dark, red, and the floor was a black color. I had a bed, a table, a fridge, and a showering room. It wasn't bad I guess, though it could use a few upgrades. Slumping down in my bed, I tried to think more about what we all just heard. Killing game..? Will someone really kill someone just to leave this place, while also dying if they get found out?

I would never kill someone to begin with, and I would never risk killing myself anyways. But what would happen if none of us killed another? Would all of us be killed? Would there be a timer or something? Would we be forced to kill a certain person? I didn't know any of the answers to those questions.

I needed to fall asleep but I couldn't with all these thoughts in my mind. I was a bit scared actually.. what if we were killed? What if we were forced to spend the rest of our lives here, with that possessed looking bear human? That would not be a good ending to my fate, indeed. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down the best I could. I got up to check if my door was locked, and then dragged a chair and put it under the doorknob so no one could get in. Once I was sure I was safe, I jumped to my bed, covering myself with the fluffy covers before falling into a deep sleep.

Walking through the hallways, I forgot something in the gym. I made my way there, taking a deep breath as I looked around to check my surroundings. Good. But really, I knew someone else was going to be at that gym. This would be the perfect time, no one would know it was me, and at the class trial, I'll be free! That's all that matters to me anyways! Screw them. Screw them all. I will no longer live to serve and serve to live.
When I did awaken in the morning, my eyes were a bit cloudy as I stood up and wiped them. There, my vision is a bit better now. I took a brush that was left for me on the sink, and began to comb around my two horns. Once my hair was a bit more even and neat, I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush that was also left there. I decided to maybe take a look around my room, but as I did, something came on the television screen behind me, and I almost would've jumped.

"Gooooood morning students! Great weather isn't it- well, today, will be a relaxing day to prepare you all for the murders that are coming along! Puhuhuhuhu!~"

The television the shut off with a click and I grew annoyed. I hated that bear human thing, or 'Monokuma.' It annoyed me that we were basically forced into this game without any consent, and not to mention, our memories were probably stolen too, just a great day. I grumbled under my breath, trying to face the day the best I could. I tried to push the bad thoughts to the deepest hells of my mind, and I then heard a scream.

This forced me to remove the chair from the door, more like throw it, as I unlocked the door. I ran to where I had heard the screaming come from, and saw Lili and Winter, by what appeared to be, a now dead Bethany.

"BETHANY!!" Lili screamed, leaning down by the girl while crying.

As I grew closer, I was horrified at what I saw. Bethany's clothing was practically ripped, with what looks like a knife did the work. Blood was coming still from her wounds which most were to the stomach. Her legs and arms had multiple wounds on them, her hair was ruffled up, and her snake headband was cut cleanly in half, laying across the girl in a cross formation. It was even hard to see the colors and patterns of the original clothes since they were filled with blood now.

The code 'slave' was written by her side in her own blood. I almost gagged. Then I noticed everyone else rushed in. Kayla gagged like I had, as she covered her mouth in disgust.

"Bethany!" Mika squealed, as she ran full force to the girl. "N-No.. I thought we wouldn't harm anyone.. SOMEONE IN THIS ROOM IS A KILLER!"

We all looked at one another.

One of us had killed Bethany.

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