Two's better than one

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As we chatted, I saw Archer eventually leave. Then came the announcement.

"A body has been discovered! Given the time before the trial, please investigate!"

No.. not again..

I forced myself up, pushing the doors open as I went down the hallway. There, in the distance, stood Savior, Kayla, and Archer. All of them were over looking Lili and Ekia. Both of them were dead.

"LILI!" Winter screamed, running past us. She then threw up beside us when she saw her dead sister, before taking off running. We were going to say something to her, but she was long gone now, it was no use.

Kayla was crying, holding onto Savior's arm. Savior had a very surprised look on her face, almost like she was going to burst out in tears any second.

"No.. Ekia.. Lili." I said, almost about to join in with Kayla's crying. Mika gasped, her eyes widened as she looked down upon the two bodies.

Ekia was by far the worse, some of her fingers were cut off, and parts of her clothing were too, but they were shoved in her mouth as a gag. She appeared to have died from a cracked skull, since blood was all over her head. A few needles stuck out of her legs and arms, injected with who knows what. One of her eyes had a huge scar over it, blood falling off of her face and onto the floor. Her eyes were rolled in the back of her head, a sharp golden chain tied forcefully around her neck.

She seemed to have been choked but hit on the head with something, leading to her death. Blood was gushing from where the syringes were, as they filled up still with the girl's blood. Her hair was a mess, and her small crown was broken in two. Jeez, someone really didn't like her.. but who? And Ekia was just with us moments before, so that had to mean either Savior or Kayla did it! Syringes were there, but a bit misplaced. If it were Kayla, she would go for more vital places on the body. But this mystery could be either of them though.

I glanced over to Lili.

Lili's arm was cut from her body, laying in a pool of blood next to her. One of her eyes was taken from its socket. Eugh.. whoever killed them really wanted them dead. A gag was also shoved in her mouth, and her legs were tied together with some kind of tape. I'll have to do research on that. Tears were also on her face, so this murder only happened minutes ago. There was a cut on her neck, that was probably the strike that killed her. She had several wounds in her sides and arms, like pokes from needles.

We need to investigate. I saw Savior study the tape, and she pointed out it was medical tape. Medical tape, so, this may have been done by Kayla.

"H-How did someone get my medical tape?!" Kayla said with a cry.

"Or did you do it?" Mika asked Kayla as she turned to her. I was going to ask that, but looks like she beat me to it.

"M-Me! No!" Kayla said with a wail, crying.

"E-Ekia's like a sister to me.. I would never harm her.. in such disgusting ways!" She said, with a chant as she stomped down her foot, trying to prove her point.

Maybe she didn't do it, I thought. I did notice Savior seemed to sweat. I then saw something sticking out of her pocket. A single syringe, with blood near its tip, and the needle was sharp as it stuck sharply out of her pocket. Hmm. Strange, her with a needle? What if she killed them and got the syringes from Kayla? They seemed to be great friends, so it could be true.

Though I wasn't going to mention it until the class trial so I could go and get revenge for Ekia and Lili. Also Winter since Lili was her younger sister. Savior could've also stolen medical tape from Kayla! That way, she could've pulled off the crime using a knife and the medical supplies Kayla had. What if she didn't steal it though, what if Kayla gave it to her, out of fear?

Like she was pressured to do so. Kayla looked up at Savior before looking down at the two dead people, crying her eyes out. I then could see something, Kayla didn't have her medical bag. Almost every time I've seen her, she's had her medical bag with her. So that's new, but I'm sure I know who did it now. It's quite clear and I can prove it!

Then a bell sounded. It was time for the second class trial.

All of us made our way down the hallway, with the information we all had gathered. Our heads were held high as we were ready to face the next killer. I was scared, and I couldn't believe it. My mind was racing, and I held onto my head to keep it upright. Only the clatter of feet was heard as we all walked up to our podiums. The remaining students looked up. Archer. Savior. Kayla. Winter. Mika. And myself. We all held onto the podiums, and sighed. We didn't even want to speak anymore. Monokuma glared at us all, and spoke up.

"So! You all need to find out who the killer is! Chip chop, Puhuhu!~"

That didn't make any of us do anything. We all just stood there, scared. What was going to happen next. Even though I had an idea of who it could've been, I couldn't speak. Something inside me just wanted me to burst out into tears. Club, get ahold of yourself! You're the Ultimate Gambler, not some crybaby lunatic. Now come on, speak up! My inner voice said to me, trying to courage me to speak. But I couldn't, and tears fell down my face.

Dangarompa: Despair Party.       (with my oc's)Where stories live. Discover now