Finding Out Clues+The 1st Trial

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We all glared at one another. Who could we trust, who did it? Poor little Bethany was killed by a killer.. and it's one of us.

"PUHUHU!! A body has been discovered! You all have a certain amount of time before the class trial starts! Remember students, outsmart the blackened!"

The voice came from a tv, Monokuma's. Then it shut off. I knew atleast one person I could trust, Mika. Atleast, I knew she liked children, so she wouldn't kill her. I could trust her for now, as I went up to the crying hybrid and put a hand on her shoulder.

"H-Huh... n-no.. oh! Club.." She murmured before standing back up. Weird, no one's called me that, I do prefer to be addressed as Electra, but whatever. No need to make a huge deal of it, anyways. I whispered in her ear, as everyone began to leave us.

"We should work together on this case. I feel like you're the only one I can trust." I murmured to her in a low tone, so only she could hear my voice.

"A-Are you sure..? Can I even be of help...? I don't want to doubt anyone here.. they all seemed so sweet.. and kind.."

"Well we have to doubt one person. Let's take a closer look."

I kicked my foot at the dead body to flip it over. The entire backing of her shirt was almost torn away. Knife blades were cut deep into her back, making what appeared to be a sentence. Mika then spoke up.

"I can r-read it.. it says, and I quote.. "Help me protag.." what does that mean...?"

Protag, as in protagonist, I'm guessing. But this is no game, this is not anything to be laughing about either. This is real life, not a fake game, and I looked at the words before speaking to Mika again.



"Protag stands for Protagonist, as in a game."

"B-But this isn't a game.. this is real..!"

"We can never be too sure.. but let's see.. the main weapon had to be a knife. Those words can't be formed by anything else I'm sure."

The wounds had to be made by the knives, as I looked closer, I could see something silver sticking out of the wound. I hated to do this, but I reached into the wound, pulling out a long bladed knife. Blood was covering the entire thing, and I had pulled the knife out by the point. But why would the knife be in like this? No killer would do that, right? Surely it must've been a mistake.. but a hint at who did it.

Mika then pushed Bethany's hair away from her neck, and there was two large gashes, and you could see the inside muscles. She tried not to vomit, as she saw the deep incisions that connected to the throat.

After awhile, some more groups came to examine the body, but at the end it was just Mika and I with the now dead Bethany.

"Oh I hope she has a peaceful afterlife.." Mika spoke sadly.

All I could do was nod, as the students began to rush to the gym.

"What's the rush?" I asked, and Lili turned to me.

"I-It's the trial time.." She spoke, before grabbing her sister's hand and taking off in a run with her to the gym. I guess all we could do was follow, and we did, seeing podiums set up. One was empty, with a picture of the animal trainer above it. Bethany Fawn.

As we took our stands, Monokuma appeared in her throne with a giggle.

"Alright class, you now may begin the class trial! I'll be cutting in to make sure you're doing it right! Puhuhu!!"

"T-That's not even funny!" Kayla snapped back, as I grabbed everyone's attention.

"Everybody.. please. We need to find the killer. Let's start this trial and end it. Please." I spoke this while turning to look at Mika.



Then, I didn't expect it, but Mika had stomped her hand on her podium before speaking.

"We know that Bethany was murdered with a knife or a sharp object. That's the truth, isn't it? If you looked on her back, you can see the knife wounds!"

Kayla then chimed in.

"N-No.. those had to be from a different weapon than a knife. You can make stab wounds with anything if you really tried.. like forks.. if you have the willpower.. you can kill someone. Or sharp wires.."

"No! That's wrong!"

{Prove to Kayla why the weapon was a knife!}

Kayla began to speak again.

"I-I'm a nurse! I know what weapons make wounds you know! THAT COULD HAVE BEEN ANYTHING!"

"Kayla, I know you know those wounds were caused with a knife! You can't engrave with anything other than them!"

"Yes you can! I've seen it! You can use wires to engrave messages on your enemies!"

"Even if you did, it would be a slow process, and the killer had to do this during the night, since I heard a scream before Monokuma's morning announcement!"


"If the killer used something other than a knife, she would've had the body somewhere else since it would've taken too long!"



Savior then spoke up.

"If the killer did engrave with a knife, they would need some kind of experience with a weapon similar to it! If they didn't, it would've taken them as long!"

I saw Archer stomp her foot on her wooden podium.

"You don't need to be a weapon master to know how a f**king knife works! It's a common weapon, really! Anyone here can be the killer for all I care!"

"Saying that, you sound just like the killer!"

Savior and Archer began to go back and forth until I finally had an idea of who did it.

"No.. Savior's right."

"I am..?"

"She is?!"

"Yes. As Kayla mentioned before, you need willpower in order to accomplish your mission! I only know of one single person here who would have that much of willpower.. and that much anger to protect someone she loves."

"That one person is Mist Sharp! I can't think of anyone but yourself!"

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