Learning To Get Over It

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Once alone, I spoke to Mika in her dorm area.

"What do you think of all of this?" I asked her as she tidied up her small dorm room.

"Well.. out of all honesty, I think one person is doing it, somehow.. by themselves.. or maybe a group.. not sure.."

"I think it could just be one person if they were great with robotics."

"One person... what if they're among us? What if we don't know?! And that's how they can view the killings! Like- like... like... maybe they're a..."

"Mastermind? Is that the word you're looking for?"

"Y-Yeah.. mastermind. One of us can be it, I know for a fact it's not me.. I'm not smart enough to make a stuffed animal come to life.."

"It's gotta be one of us though... and we're going to stop these killings and get revenge for those two girls who died."

"Yes! That sounds like a great idea.."

Soon, we both stopped talking. How could we just change conversation so quickly? Were we just that desperate that we had to find something else to discuss so we didn't have to remember the past? It was almost like our gut instinct was forcing us to communicate, to believe that someone was actually kind hearted when really they wanted this to happen. They forced it upon us.

"I'm really shaken up.. and I'm scared.. is that a bad thing...? I feel like I can't even leave my dorm anymore.. cause someone will sprawl out and kill me..."

"No. Being scared isn't a bad thing. After what I just saw on that tv and in the hallway.. I think we've unlocked a whole new level of scared."

"Well.. I'll head to my dorm and let you think about things, I'll talk to you later alright?"

When I turned to leave, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

"I-I feel like I've met you before.. but I can't place it.."

I just nodded before rushing out and practically running to my dorm. Mika's words echoed in my mind.

'I feel like I've met you before... but I can't place it...'

Once there, I tried thinking of something. I didn't want to come back and see someone dead in the halls.. but I had a feeling the next murderer would be a bit smarter of where the location was.

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

I struggled to fall asleep that night, and I just stared at the ceiling for hours upon hours. I was almost waiting for something to happen, like something would just strike out and occur. My goal was to make sure the remaining students got out of here alive. They needed to get out.. all of us did. My head hurt just thinking about it. Before I even knew it, the morning announcement came on.

"Goooood morning students! It is now 7 am, morning time for us! Feel free to do as you please, and listen to the rules!"

Ugh. Monokuma.

My stomach was actually hurting from not eating, as I yawned and got out. I fixed up my twin drills to make them have a more sharp appearance, and then left my room and locked it, keeping the key on me at all times. After getting lost about 5 times, I finally found the breakfast area. The others were there, eating and chatting away. They were just like Mika and I only hours before.

"Hey Electra!" I heard Savior call out as she tapped a seat next to her, indicating I should sit next to her. I moved slowly, yawning as I sat in the chair that was directed for me to sit in. My eyes hurt, and my hands felt numb.

Kayla didn't say hello to anyone, and stayed close to Savior, hugging her arm. Savior didn't seem to mind much that Kayla was overly attached to her. Like, it was becoming an obsession.

Mika was eating pancakes, taking rather small bites of it. Winter and Lili were talking, Winter trying to calm her down since yesterday. Lili was crying as she picked at her food sadly.

I couldn't help but feel bad for her, getting dragged into this hell, and not being able to escape. Must've been hard on her, I can only imagine.

Kayla, Savior, Ekia, and Lili left the room suddenly, to grab some things from their dorms. Winter turned to try to stop her, but she was already gone down the hallway, no use.

"I hope they're okay.." Mika murmured silently, just so I could hear.

I nodded silently to her, trying to bring up a topic, but all I could think about is the mastermind. But what if they were among us? And could hear? No.. they couldn't be?

Mika seemed to nod to me, as if we should bring up the topic.

"Hey.. what if someone's controlling Monokuma...? Like they made this.. for entertainment?" Mika spoke before I did so I could continue.

"Like one single person...? Or a group?" Winter asked as she drank her drink, looking up at the remainder of the group.

"It could be either.." I chimed in, with a yawn. Yeah, I regret getting no sleep last night.

"For entertainment?! What kind of sick f**k would do that?!" Archer stated, with a growl as she threw her cup on the floor. The cup, being glass, shattered into tons of pieces, making a loud bang against the floor.

"Anyone here.. I believe they're hiding in with the students. Using a fake talent maybe.. I'm not super sure yet, but we need to catch them." I spoke again, watching as Archer had thrown her cup.

Archer nodded with a grin.

"Indeed! This killing game will stop when we catch them... right?" She then asked, looking among the group.

"It should.. cause then Monokuma isn't controlled right? Like a person without a soul!" Mika then cheered in.

Like a person without a soul, yeah I suppose. But we need to expose the mastermind first.

Dangarompa: Despair Party.       (with my oc's)Where stories live. Discover now